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NPR Largely Misses Critical Distinction on Religious Freedom vs. LGBTQ Rights

…the nondiscrimination statute of 1989). Catholic Charities maintained this policy for nearly two years after the 2004 marriage equality decision, until the Massachusetts Roman Catholic bishops instructed Massachusetts Catholic Charities in 2006 to cease providing adoptions to same-sex couples. This came just three months after a unanimous vote by the 42 Catholic Charities board members to continue to place children in same-sex households and was f…

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Hulu’s ERA-Focused Mini-Series ‘Mrs. America’ Reveals an Ongoing Predicament of Progressive Politics

…continues as the women’s movement becomes fractured over disagreements on policy priorities. Should abortion be a central issue for the Democratic party platform? How do gay and lesbian rights factor into the feminist agenda? The contributions of Black women activists are clearly overlooked while strategies to minimize the anti-ERA movement gradually falter. By contrast, Schlafly coalesces and expands her political network. She marshals conservat…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…on from those who cling to outworn assumptions about America’s Middle East policy and what it means to be pro-Israel. The political elite should not be blamed for assuming that even tepid statements that favor robust American diplomacy or take exception to Israeli policies will be politically costly. They will cling to this assumption unless they receive clear signals that a different, more candid conversation is called for. It is up to us to give…

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Keep it Catholic, Catholics: A Response to Michael Sean Winters’ Attack on Frances Kissling in America

…with a great deal more grace. Then we can lift the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that constrains many professional Catholics from saying what they believe on issues like contraception. There are solid Catholic arguments for the many approaches, not all of which I like, but all of which I have to be honest enough to admit are Catholic. Just as I would not tell an Opus Dei Catholic that I do not recognize her approach as Catholic, I do not expect t…

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Israel Will be a 2016 Evangelical Litmus Test

…ng with the Middle East issues, or is the candidate too new to the foreign policy arena? In light of yesterday’s terrorist attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, Nance, in a statement, calls Israel a “cornerstone” for the 2016 presidential nomination, adding, “continued violence in Israel and constant turmoil in the Middle East makes a clear and comprehensive foreign policy agenda a must for any potential conservative presidential candidate.” Concerned…

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Conservative Media Firm Pushes Claim That Gaza Withdrawal Caused BP Disaster

…rence, preaching on Obadiah 1:15 (“For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.”) The nations that curse Israel, said McTernan, are going to be cursed. “The policy of the United States is to divide the land of Israel,” said McTernan, “the policy of God is to unite the land of Israel. So we’re 180 degrees off. . . but there’s warnings in Scriptures…

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As Tensions Escalate in the Balkans, the West Could Hand Putin a Valuable Weapon

…in 5 Serbs describe themselves as supporters of Putin’s Russia in foreign policy, while half support continuing the Yugoslav-era policy of non-alignment. It’s not support for Russia or Putin which motivates the anti-Western attitude among young Serbs today, but rather a feeling that Serbia was wronged by the West during the Yugoslav War and Kosovo Wars in the 1990s—a wrong that many see as emerging from the West’s willful misunderstanding of the…

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No ‘Christian Compassion’ in Tony Perkins’ Response to Anti-Gay Bullying, Suicides

…terates to the religious gatekeepers trying to trap him about governmental policy to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Jesus also made sure to remind everyone not to ‘love the sinner, hate the sin,’ as many recite, but rather to love the sinner and hate the sin in their own life. A few years ago I was involved in a conversation with a partnered gay Christian and a man who identified as ‘ex-gay.’ The latter said: “It’s no…

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The Fragility of Our Reality: A Conversation with the Brain Behind PBS Miniseries on Neuroscience

…to figure out what we can learn, including in terms of morality and social policy, from neuroscience. I direct the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law, about the intersection of what happens with criminal justice and what we know from neuroscience. Just as a quick example, one issue is our prison population has quadrulpled in this country, almost entirely because of the war on drugs. The issue about drug addiction is that the War on Drugs has alway…

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Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?

…ed family morality systems’ that can influence and eventually shape social policy at the United Nations.” Carlson, the Lutheran head of the Illinois-based Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society, is a compelling conservative historian who uses secular arguments to advance religious right ideas. A chief example of this is “The Natural Family Manifesto,” a guiding document of the WCF community, co-written by Carlson and Paul Mero, head of th…

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