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Electionpocalypse, Part I (Christianity)

…dly lining up for Romney. The Obama campaign’s religious outreach has been run by a young former aide in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and has barely registered a ripple in coverage of the campaign. Until the bitter end, of course, when, less than two weeks before election day, we learn that President Obama might be—wait for it—evangelical. Dutifully chronicled by CNN’s Belief Blog editor, Dan Gilgoff, the st…

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Santorum and the New Catholic-Evangelical Alliance

…Boston-based Voice of the Faithful that sprang up in response to the grim stories that seemed to be breaking almost daily. Outraged laity took to the streets and rose up in the pews, withholding contributions, demanding meetings with bishops whose authority seemed to be evaporating by the hour. Obscured by all of this was the presence of an influential, deeply connected, and well-financed faction — a counterreformation, to borrow a useful term fr…

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How Do We Break the Cycle of Religious Violence in South Asia?

…violence and lynchings. For those of us in the South Asian diaspora, these headlines are painful to read. For some of us, our friends and family back home are under threat. But unfortunately, not everyone agrees on how to break free from this cycle. The predictable cycles of religious violence in South Asia can be described fairly simply. First, a member of a religious or ethnic minority is accused of offending the religious sentiments of another…

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Why is Huntsman’s Mormonism “Tough to Define”?

Yes, world, it is true: not all Mormons are alike. That’s the news that’s making headlines as buzz continues to build about the nascent presidential campaign of former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. Of course, I’ve been saying it for months here at RD: Romney is what many Mormons call a TBM—or “true-believing Mormon”—an orthodox believer and devout practitioner of the faith. Huntsman?  Well, he’s something else—an other-than-orthodox Mormon of a…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…l, and economic liberty.” King’s, a Christian school rescued from near bankruptcy in 1998 by Campus Crusade for Christ, now boasts 400 students and is hoping to double that number within a few years. The college proclaims that it “educates students to lead with principle as they aspire to make America better. We prepare students for principled leadership. And nothing else.” But King’s made headlines in September after its new president, the conser…

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Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Still Sound

…rticular island from year to year. Now imagine that a new volcanic island erupts in the Galápagos chain. Suddenly an expanse of new, un-colonized land is available; new food sources will grow there. How will this new land affect finch diversification? That’s the kind of question being addressed here. But in the rush to deadline, the media all too often misses the point. And instead of an writing about an exploration of the different ways mass envi…

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Religious Leaders Urge Obama to Condemn Ugandan Anti-Gay Bill at Prayer Breakfast

…aper.” Moses displayed lists of suspected homosexuals published in Ugandan newspapers with headlines like “Top Homos” and “Homo Terror.” People lost their jobs and received death threats as a result of their names being published, he said. Two former evangelical powerbrokers who were familiar with The Family spoke at the press conference: Frank Schaeffer, whose father Francis Schaeffer was a key figure in the religious right, and Bishop Carlton Pe…

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Religious Leaders Condemn National Prayer Breakfast; Offer Alternative American Prayer Hour

…aper.” Moses displayed lists of suspected homosexuals published in Ugandan newspapers with headlines like “Top Homos” and “Homo Terror.” People lost their jobs and received death threats as a result of their names being published, he said. Two former evangelical powerbrokers who were familiar with The Family spoke at the press conference: Frank Schaeffer, whose father Francis Schaeffer was a key figure in the religious right, and Bishop Carlton Pe…

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At CPAC the President Got the One Thing He Needed

and criminal failings. The extra-marital affairs, hush money payments, obstruction of justice, and the Russia probe—none of this will move the needle on white evangelical support for Trump. On one hand, it’s easy to see why. He’s delivered on his campaign promises to fill the courts with anti-choice judges, and now his base sniffs the possibility of a full reversal of Roe v. Wade. But I want to reiterate another point. Evangelicalism’s moral milit…

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American Religion By the Numbers: A Pew Survey Roundup

…kin in the game. Continue reading   SIX OVERLOOKED GEMS FROM THE FUTURE OF WORLD RELIGIONS REPORT By Timothy King The global religious landscape is changing, fast, and The Future of World Religions reportfrom the Pew Research Center has boldly gone where no exceptionally long research group report has gone before by extrapolating current trends to draw a spiritual picture of the world in 2050.* The report is careful to acknowledge that a lot could…

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