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Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries?

…t of its faculty, and merge a remnant with Yale Divinity School. It is not news that the Protestant mainline in America has been declining since the 1970s. Yet markers of the tradition’s slide continue to make headlines. Institutional change of this magnitude comes as a body blow to seminary constituencies. Tenured faculty lose their jobs or, if they’re lucky, merely their offices, seniority and accustomed teaching load. Students who enrolled unde…

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For Better or Worse: The Rise of the Professional Wedding Celebrant

…de headlines when they announced their recent engagement. A second wave of headlines revealed a proposition they’d received from someone who’d offered to officiate: none other than President Donald Trump. (These two shining stars of the MSNBC firmament have since said “Thanks, but no thanks” to the President’s offer.) Mr. Scarborough described to CBS News the White House luncheon at which the President pitched his matrimonial services. Son-in-law…

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Where Are the Pro-Life Reactions to the Romney/Stericycle Story?

…wasn’t in their top headlines.  Jill Stanek? Again, no mention in the top headlines and a site search turned up nothing. World Magazine, which is currently taking a critical stance toward the National Association of Evangelicals over the latter’s acceptance of a grant from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy? Again, my site search turned up nothing.  It could be that nobody’s gotten around to writing about it yet, I gues…

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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…n and The Creation Museum. In her book, Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction, University of North Florida Professor of Religious Studies Julie Ingersoll has thoroughly documented how homeschooling and Christian school curricula have been effectively used to radicalize evangelical subculture, mainstreaming authoritarian and anti-science views. I happened to have the opportunity to tour both The Creation Museum and Ar…

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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…at they wanted. It really is that simple, but you have to be open to that truth in order to see it. The media gatekeepers apparently didn’t want to hear from “disgruntled” former evangelicals; taking us seriously instead of dismissing us as “bitter” people “with an axe to grind” could harm Christianity’s reputation, which they were clearly determined to protect—even if not always consciously. That’s the underlying value and intellectual assumption…

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LDS Church-Owned Radio Station Stands By Rush Limbaugh

…No other religiously-owned or affiliated radio network in the country airs Rush Limbaugh—except the LDS-owned Bonneville International. In October 2010, LDS/Bonneville-owned KSL radio in Salt Lake City dumped political commentator Sean Hannity, a move some viewed as an effort to align programming with a recently adopted corporate mission and values statement including the following points: “I honor principles espoused by our owner in the products…

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Religious Kids Are More Selfish: The Stickers Don’t Lie

…tual and religiousness are wildly different than those held in the Western world. In other words, you have to take this fragile Western construct (religion), put a numerical scale on it, and then apply that scale around the world, as if religion were a solid, universally measurable thing, like the force of gravity or the density of water. Judging by the paper, Decety and his colleagues haven’t even recognized this problem, let alone addressed it….

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Praying to the Zombie Jesus: The Spirituality of Horror

…ck of faith that pre-dates the zombie pandemic. Both ask for miracles in a world ruled by monsters. This Is My Body Some horror newbies, drawn in by the excellent storytelling and character development that AMC is justly famous for, might be surprised to see religious symbolism and themes making an appearance in a gruesome tale of rotting, flesh-eating zombies. They shouldn’t be. In fact, the undying and undead popularity of the zombie genre has c…

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11 Top RD Stories of the Year: Because in 2020 Religion Went to 11

…the Atlantic Ocean. This is the version of events most people know to be true. But, in the world of QAnon… READ MORE   Go to top   6. Satanic Temple’s ‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’ May Challenge States’ Anti-Abortion Laws, Joseph Laycock Last week, The Satanic Temple (TST) introduced “the Satanic Abortion Ritual”—a ritual designed to provide religious support and comfort for women who’ve decided to get an abortion. But the ritual has legal consequenc…

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Global LGBT Recap: “Lavender Fascism,” Rage in India, Pope Francis Ousts Culture Warrior

…ion. He reports that the country’s minister of institutional relations instructed ruling party senators to hold the bill until after next year’s presidential election. The bill was read last week in the Committee for Human Rights despite attempts by evangelicals to have senators boycott the meeting. “According to reports, Minister Salvatti acted under the instruction of President Dilma Rousseff to prevent this from happening.” Evangelical leaders…

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