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Walk the Walk: Honoring Common Ground on Abortion

…his pro-life views and avoided assertions regarding the shared values and policy positions of participants—particularly those who are pro-choice. By presenting lists and claiming that “many (though not all)” share these views, Camosy implicitly marginalizes those who don’t—which is exactly why we ask people to only speak for themselves. That marginalization fosters the very polarization the conference sought to avoid. The “many” of the article ar…

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Mormons, Jews Reach Accord Over Proxy Baptism

…ubmit only the names of their documented ancestors for proxy baptism. This policy has helped fuel a massive global Mormon genealogy enterprise that has also benefitted causes as diverse as breast cancer research and African-American history. But it has not stopped some overzealous LDS people from submitting for proxy baptism the names of individuals they cannot claim as relatives—including Holocaust victims. An act that might have seemed to LDS pe…

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A Republican House Will Launch “Witch Hunt” on Science

…n leaders will use a litany of congressional hearings to put environmental policy makers and agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency on the defensive and exert political pressure. This should be especially worrisome to an administration that hasn’t even been able to garner the political goodwill to pass modest market-based cap and trade incentives for industry polluters. This is truly disturbing. If Republicans follow through with their…

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Is “Weak Leadership” to Blame for Catholic Trump Support?

…that could faithfully reflect the Church’s positions on the wide array of policy issues related to the Church’s teachings. We can imagine a party that opposes abortion and euthanasia while also opposing the death penalty and pre-emptive war. Or one that calls for tuition tax credits for parochial schools and also for more aggressive government support for the needy. Or one that demands that the US open its doors to more refugees while also demand…

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Homosexual Thoughts and Feelings Not a Sin, Says New LDS Handbook

Changes to LDS Church policy on homosexuality will be presented to LDS lay clerical leaders worldwide this Saturday, November 13. The changes are being introduced through a global leadership training satellite broadcast for the release of the newly revised Church Handbook of Instructions (CHI), a 400-page lay priesthood manual reserved for use by LDS Church members in local and regional lay leadership positions. Multiple advance copies of the CHI…

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The Divide Between “Trumpvangelicals” and the Rest of Us

…n. Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC’s) public policy arm, has written passionately and persistently against Trump for months now. Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, argued that voting for Trump is something “Jesus Wouldn’t Do.” Most surprisingly, Max Lucado, a notoriously apolitical evangelical pastor and author, penned an op-ed denouncing Trump’s lack of decency. Evangelicals of this…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…While the plan known as “quantitative easing” has been, like all monetary policy, the subject of debate, Palin’s speech wasn’t disagreement so much as it was a rallying cry for Tea Partiers, and a reassertion the Christian Reconstructionist belief that the Fed is unbiblical. From the safe confines of Facebook, Palin provoked a sparring match with Wall Street Journal reporter Sudeep Reddy, a sign of the disconnect between a Republican Party behold…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…s much to push through the Christian Right’s culture wars agenda on social policy, or gave hardline evangelicals such exclusive access to the president as that enjoyed by Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board. Only Trump proved willing to take the ill-advised and destabilizing foreign policy step of moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem because of evangelicals’ extreme beliefs ab…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…as my mom who brought it out so we could check out the juicy parts: church policy on birth control. Not that my mom needed a refresher course in Church policy. My mom knows these things by heart; she’s a professional Mormon. The inaccessibility of the CHI to regular members only heightened its power and significance, so much so that  anyone who could quote authoritatively from the CHI during a Sunday School lesson, for example, held a special sort…

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Religious Discrimination and the Violence Against Women Act

…e to Congressional questioning, the Department of Justice finally made its policy clear: if “a religious organization that applies for funding and requests an exemption under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to enable it to prefer coreligionists in employment, notwithstanding a statutory prohibition on religious employment discrimination,” it may receive such an exemption if it certifies (1) that it provides services to all, regardless of the…

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