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Public Prayer Verdict Shows Its True Colors

…invocations, the Town of Greece has recently changed their SCOTUS-approved policy to one that requires invocation-givers to be members of “assemblies with an established presence in the Town of Greece that regularly meet for the primary purpose of sharing a religious perspective.” The standard of “established presence” is already shaky when it comes to town meetings. I grew up in a small town and was dragged to many town meetings as a child, my di…

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New Study of Christian Nationalism in Texas Should be a Warning for the Whole Country

…bed of Christian Americanism. Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy recently published my Christian Americanism in Texas Politics since 2008, the first extensive study of the subject. The report profiles the major proponents of Christian Americanism in Texas―politicians and non-governmental activists―and examines the tools they use to promote the ideology. Though focused on Texas, the report has national implications. Several major p…

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Eddie Long Case Should Mark the End of Black Church Homophobia

…se explodes the cover of the black church’s internal don’t ask, don’t tell policy which has had a profound effect on the community and its followers. It’s very interesting that the Long scandal broke almost immediately after black pastors led by Bishop Harry Jackson came together with the Family Research Council to oppose the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Act. Many black pastors have staked their entire ministries on the “family” and the obs…

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Conservative Christians Say it’s Okay to Vote for Romney Despite Doctrine

…ivil government is not about a particular theology but rather about public policy, and the question we ask is this one: what are the policy principles that will govern your administration should you prevail on Election Day. The next thirteen paragraphs congratulate Romney and the Republican party on their platform, celebrating positions against human trafficking and persecution of religious minorities worldwide, same-sex civil marriage rights, and…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…. Except warmongers don’t collaborate with Wikipedia pages to make foreign policy decisions that destroy other countries, bankrupt our own, and leave everyone on the planet more vulnerable than before. As we proceed, feel free to remind yourself, as often as necessary, that Harvard’s Belfer Center has appointed Ayaan Hirsi Ali a Fellow in ‘The Future of Diplomacy Project.’ Such peacemaking potential is found in her breakdown of the world’s Muslims…

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Dehumanizing Huckabee Tweet Another Echo of Dangerous Tribalism

…oint out in the wake of the utter inhumanity of the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents is that there is a direct line from tribal epistemology to dehumanization that can blind even those religious people who claim that “God is love.” In recent weeks, the Trump administration has practiced a zero-tolerance policy that means separating migrant children from their parents, regardless of whether or not thos…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…stions she faced regarding LGBT human rights as an element of U.S. foreign policy: When Senator Booker asked Ambassador Haley during the hearing about her willingness to protect LGBT rights internationally, she responded, “I think it’s very important that we talk about America’s values. We do not allow discrimination against anyone. I will always speak out about this. We don’t want to permit discrimination here or in any country.” In Senator Cardi…

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What Really Was Wrong With the Ben Carson Interview on the End-Times

…ted official, this person would allow their apocalyptic beliefs to dictate policy, particularly Middle East policy. (Think Sarah Palin, ca. 2008.) After Carson was asked about the end-times on Sharyl Atkisson’s new show Full Measure on Sunday, this typical reaction kicked in. In Salon, for example, the headline read: “Ben Carson’s apocalyptic fantasies: ‘We are getting closer to’ the End of Days.’” If you look a little closer at Carson’s answer, t…

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But What Did We Learn? Hate-Watching the First Clinton/Trump Debate

…wn better. Clinton started off as she meant to continue: ready to push the policy overviews and talking points that anyone who has been paying attention to her speeches, website, or ads should be familiar with. Trump started with a dog whistle about Mexico and fleeing jobs, then continued with the moment that set the tone for the rest of the debate: To some it may not seem so bad at first glance, but any woman who has ever had to smile politely wh…

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Response to Daniel Philpott: the Politics of Religious Freedom

…significant ways the assumption that is so ubiquitous in many academic and policy circles—and that is reflected in Dan’s response to my RD essay—that religious freedom is a singular achievement, an easily understood state of affairs, and that the problem lies in its incomplete realization. Our collaborative project has sought to understand the different conceptions of religious freedom at play in the world today, their different social and politic…

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