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Prop 8 Closing Arguments Turn on Tradition

…e it was conveniently located near where the king lived. Naboth refused to sell the vineyard because his religious teachings told him that God would not allow the sale of his ancestral home. Tradition dictated that he must never relinquish the land that God had given him. Ahab’s wife—the dreaded Jezebel—concocted a plan that got Naboth killed, so Ahab could quit sulking and go get Naboth’s land. In the traditional reading of this story, Naboth is…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…ow low price, you too can live the glamorous life, you too can have the blood of Christ, three easy payments, order tonight… … I know I’m spiritual I need a financial miracle Please God, you’re the king imperial And I’ll take the bible literal… …On TV, I’ve seen it They sell forgiveness, how convenient Master, Visa, the shit’s ingenious Why go to church, stay home with Jesus… …I’m talking about televangelists, need to be sued for spiritual damages…

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Evangelical Millennials Good with Government

…nificance here. As Molyneux and Teixeira point out, progressives trying to sell activist government programs are likely to find their most receptive audience among the millennials, as they’re known. Given that we have a more-or-less liberal administration at the moment, this also says good things about the political prospects for Democrats. Assuming they understand how to publicize their initiatives (not always a safe assumption), Dems may be able…

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No Space for American Islam?

…es this is simply not about its location. A group in rural California is working fervently to halt construction of a new mosque in their changing community. In Staten Island, a short ferry ride from Ground Zero, a Catholic church prepared to sell its unused convent space to a group planning a new mosque. Protests erupted, and the church’s board voted to retract the offer. “We just want to leave our neighborhood the way it is,” one resident told a…

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Cooler than Thou: Will Hipsters Wreck Christianity?

…d with a laissez-faire attitude toward evangelizing, this is the new, soft-sell way of doing Christianity. “We take the secular avenue instead of the Christian one,” Bakker says, explaining that his method is to form real relationships, be normal, become part of the community, inspire people to make change happen. The days of fire and brimstone are a thing of the past to such groups because, as the director of a Manhattan-based artist ministry say…

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Ann Coulter Puts the “Con” in “Homocon 2010”

…tes or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle.” I could tell Jacobs, however, that Coulter’s behavior is nothing new for conservative shills. Back in the early 90s, I worked with Sean Hannity at WGST Radio in Atlanta just as he got his big call to go to New York and work for FOX. Every day Hannity would rail against gays and lesbians, stirring up hatred and strife…

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Strippers versus Church: Cosmic Battle With Civic Consequences

…gets include strip clubs, swingers clubs, and even convenience stores that sell pornography. For picketers, these protests are a literal battle against the forces of evil. An especially militant group, “Repent Amarillo,” even created a battle map of their town with each undesirable business marked as a target. Those targeted in these protests often have little recourse. In 2007, Tommy George, the owner of the Foxhole, filed a lawsuit against the c…

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The Evangelical “Plummet” from Francis Schaeffer to Glenn Beck

…that) but with what I’ll liberally paraphrase as Beck’s flim-flammery. Russell Moore, Dean of the School of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes in a post that is starting to make its way around the internet: It’s taken us a long time to get here, in this plummet from Francis Schaeffer to Glenn Beck. In order to be this gullible, American Christians have had to endure years of vacuous talk about undefined “revival” and “t…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…r allotted land as stewards. They could manage it as they saw fit, but not sell it or even pass it on to wives and children, and anyone’s land could be subject to division even after the stewardship had been awarded. Brigham Young continued to implement Joseph’s vision as the beleaguered Saints moved West, and rebelled against such economic axioms as the profit motive, market price and trade. Despite this economic legacy, voices such as these cann…

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Feisal Abdul-Rauf Still not Providing Leadership on Park51

…e day Park51 revamped its Web site, and one of principals says he wants to sell. Apparently no one told him that in his absence the Cordoba House name was dropped in favor of Park51. Either he is being kept out of the information loop or there is a leadership struggle happening within the team. The only other alternative is that he really is just clueless, as his wife constantly referred to the project as Park51 in her Council on Foreign Relations…

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