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Cozy Cottage or House on Fire? Thomas Kinkade’s Theo-Aesthetic Legacy

…y. Emotion. Buying. Kinkade pulled together religion, art, and commerce to sell a feeling. A Theo-Aesthetic Kinkade sold a great many of these feelings through some curious approaches to painting and a shrewd business distribution system. Critics easily dismissed his paintings as kitsch, poor art, or perhaps not even art at all. While I don’t really like Kinkade’s paintings, I believe it would be naïve to simply dismiss his work, to stop querying…

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The Unbearable Stupidness of Talking about the President’s Religion

…’t have to pay taxes, but is all right with the state letting corporations sell you salmonella, permitting torture, starting stupid wars, and making kids bring toilet paper to school with them along with their pencils and notebooks, well, your God can blow it out his ass, quite frankly, I say with as much courtesy as I can at present muster. Yes, yes, this is all very rude. I am exaggerating for comic effect, as is Thers. I think. In any event, wh…

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No Longer At Sea: Kate Bornstein Talks Scientology

…d this numeric tone scale, and I studied that. Lord knows where he got the numbers from, but 1.0 on the tone scale is fear, 1.1 is covert hostility, which is the tone level of all Suppressive Persons. 1.5 is anger. He said all you have to do to bring someone “uptone”—or put them in a better mood—was to speak half a tone to a full tone above the other person. Any higher, they won’t listen to you. Any lower, they’ll be really bummed out. And I thoug…

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A Moral Galaxy: War and Suffering in “Star Wars: The Old Republic”

…on-player characters (NPCs) in the game. Many of these NPCs give quests or sell things to the players, and some, like Vette, can become the players’ companions. The companions then walk along with the player’s character and protect the player in fights. In addition, they react to the Light/Dark moral decisions the players make, with their own loyalty (and continued service) dependent upon each player’s choices. It is common for people to treat com…

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Ugandan Anti-Gay Fallout: New Laws, New Violence, New Underground Railroad

…unter to her religious beliefs will lose her job; the pharmacist who won’t sell the morning-after pill because he thinks abortion is a sin will lose his.” She added: “The state will not protect belief – and in some countries it will actively quash it: as the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination on Christians in Europe found two years ago, the EU has introduced more than 50 laws that discriminate against Christians.” According to Pink News…

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Anger, Privilege, and Invisible Injustice: What Cain and Abel Have to Do With Ferguson

…Bible! But to retell the Cain and Abel story to fit this scheme is a tough sell. As with many biblical texts, easy moralizing does violence to the story, which presents us with a series of bewildering problems it does not solve. One such problem is a gap in the Hebrew text—an unfinished sentence that probably resulted from a scribal error. After God inexplicably rejects Cain, the brothers go into a field, and we read, “Then Cain said to Abel.” But…

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Daily News Corrects JR Smith’s “Fool[ish]” Slavery/Black Friday Post… Incorrectly

…d from slavery? It was the day after Thanksgiving when slave traders would sell slaves for a discount to assist plantation owners with more helpers for the upcoming winter (for cutting and stacking fire wood, winterproofing etc.), hence the name,” read the graphic, complete with an illustration of a slave auction. Yeah, because nothing like that took place in American history. Still, the Daily News’ Jaime Uribarri drags Smith through the mud by re…

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…wn to man – a clay tablet.” Send them a text or tweet, and they promise to phonetically translate it into Old Persian, stamp it into a clay tablet, and send it to you in the mail. At first glance, this seems like yet another pop-up website to join the ranks of Mail A Spud and Send Your Enemies Glitter— a cute service designed to make easy profit. Yet Dumb Cuneiform seems somehow different. The profit margins can’t be high on hand-stamped cuneiform…

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Rand Paul, Religious Skeptic?

…eek, sitting for an interview with televangelists Marcus and Joni Lamb, to sell not only his faith in God, but his faith in small government. Paul’s most sincerely held religious belief, no surprise, was in minimizing government. People “think somehow there’s salvation in government,” Paul said, but “there isn’t.” In fact, lack of government oversight has been a salvation, at least a financial one, for the Lambs. As NPR reported last year in an in…

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