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Hajj Journal: Using the Toilet at the Grand Mosque

…In my case, because I speak Arabic, I “pass” as Arab and therefore supposedly a bit more in the know. It also let me bargain my way through the shops, whatever little shopping I did in Makkah. The shopkeepers are mostly not Saudi, so they detect an accent, but usually think I’m Egyptian, the dialect I use the most. My roommate said many of the shopkeepers are Urdu-speaking, but she got better service when she spoke English, especially in the jewel…

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Way Beyond Atheism: God Does Not (Not) Exist

…how well the questioner had understood what I had said. I fumbled around a bit, hardly knowing what to tell him. I escaped with some cryptic-sounding remark like, This theology is beyond atheism. I meant it when I said it, although I didn’t understand it at the time. But I do now. Too-Simple Atheisms It was a gentleman named Denys Turner who helped me figure it out. Turner is a professor of theology at Yale. Last week I read a remarkable essay of…

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Will the Catholic Church Split?

…’s the last thing you intended. After all, it’s happened before. That last bit is not nearly as much fun as offering theological pronouncements. And, yes, that’s true for privileged theological liberals as well as privileged theological conservatives. It’s far more fun just to assert. To give no care to whether you may have accidentally enshrined your own way of being human as the way of being human. To yell “I am a follower of Jesus!” loudly and…

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Could a Real Life Jurassic Park Help with Climate Change?

…icative of Shapiro’s style: “A few years ago, a colleague of mine practically bit my head off for getting the end date of the Cretaceous period wrong by a little bit.” It’s charming, but, importantly, she doesn’t overdo it). Shapiro feels dorkily optimistic about the possibility of de-extinction. But she’s also frank about the challenges that confront anyone trying to give mammoths and other species a second shot at the Darwinian struggle. The tec…

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Some Christian and Muslim Leaders Urging ‘No’ Vote in Australian Mail Ballot on Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…architecture and urban development department told a reporter that he is “bitterly disappointed” by the negative reaction to his efforts to liven up a dreary apartment building by having workers paint balconies in bright rainbow colors. More from Eurasianet: Some objected to the garishness. But others suspected that the rainbow might be a subtle form of propaganda for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual lifestyles. National newspaper Karavan d…

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Red White and Blue No Longer

…ing ambivalent or anxious if one acknowledges it—and also acknowledges openly, and rejects openly, the shamefulness of still wishing to run the world and keep the course of events under one’s control. But it’s not easy for those accustomed to to step out of the saddle and agree to to take the role of foot soldier in a march toward the unknown. White skin privilege among educated elites is every bit as persistent as white tribalism among non-elites…

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Buddhism And Politics in Myanmar: An Author Interview

…ome of the Buddhist-leftist literature from the 1920s-1950s that I could only briefly touch on in this book. I discuss some of the contemporary “Buddhist nationalist” movement, but some readers might be surprised at how little of it is in the book, given that Myanmar has recently been in the news for the tragic and abhorrent treatment of Rohingya Muslims. In this book, I cover this movement largely in relation to competing notions of monastic part…

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How Contemporary Spirituality Makes Us Stupid, Selfish, and Unhappy

…en edged into smugness. So I complained. I moaned to my friends. It’s usually only in conversation that you can see where an idea might lead, so in many ways this book was born in the beer gardens of Cheltenham pubs. And from my friends telling me to shut up and write it down if it bothered me that much. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? That the idea of being “spiritual, but not religious” is, at the very least, problematic…

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Why Can’t We Take Death Seriously? The Obama Administration’s Latest Retreat

…up—then it would be really great if their doctors could help out a little bit. Alas, even that little bit of help will continue to be scarce. In subservience to poisonous political chicanery, we’re just going to put a great big “Shhhh!!” in front of The Unmentionable Subject. More’s the pity for us. The dishonesty and cowardice of not facing it—and not talking about it—will just make dying in America that much messier and more painful for all con…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Operator, Can You Help Me?

…e of Religious Life at the University of Southern California Though initially only accessible to the very wealthy, the telephone soon proliferated, and with it, a promise of relational immediacy—no longer did a person need to wait days or weeks to communicate by exchange of letter or telegram. The telephone promised a pathway out of our isolation and loneliness. In 1926, Arthur Pound sung its praises: “We who are still young have beheld millions o…

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