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Turn On The News: Ending Zoom Church is a Great Idea for a Column — Provided You Completely Ignore the Disability Perspective

…ating. (Full disclosure: the organization I work for recently took the opposite side of the argument, recommending in a press release that I drafted that churches return to physically-distanced ministry until the Omicron wave passes.) But while it’s a worthy conversation in theory, in reality the way Warren approaches it creates so many problems it’s difficult to know where to begin. Samir Knego, a disability/accessibility advocate who has written…

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Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie

…s devoting himself to a “courtship” with his future wife Anna, rather than dating, which was derided as part of the “divorce culture:” Tonight, Anna described her husband to People as “someone who had gone down a wrong path and had humbled himself before God and those whom he had offended.” This week, a recap of their television show on their blog discussed how Jim Bob and Michelle “encourage their kids…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…s for the promotion of social interaction and engagement. In Saudi Arabia, dating sites are one of the few options for LGBT people to socially interact. However, the religious police even tracks gay dating sites actively and convicted two men to 450 lashes for using Twitter to meet in 2014. Even such private use is considered “promoting the vice and practice of homosexuality”. According to the new anti-terrorism law, Saudi Arabia considers any cri…

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A Church Group, a Lawsuit, and a Culture of Abuse

…oodbye, which promoted parent-supervised “courtships” instead of “secular” dating, was published in the same year. Its popularity—the book was a Christian bestseller—and Harris’ name recognition helped bring SGM to greater prominence among evangelicals. Mahaney eventually appointed Harris as his successor as senior pastor of CLC in 2004. The two men now boast ties with some of the biggest names in reformed evangelicalism, including Albert Mohler,…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…taff who also heads a Christian military organization, have been using gay dating apps to identify gay soldiers, according to a story in Quartz by Jeyup S. Kwaak and Isabella Steger: Army investigators have been trying to dox suspected homosexual soldiers through the use of dating apps, with at least one soldier arrested so far for allegedly engaging in homosexual acts, according to the Military Human Rights Center of Korea (MHRCK), an activist gr…

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History Channel’s The Bible Keeps Conservatives (Mostly) Happy and Jesus White

…With a lineup like that, and with (a Christian dating site in the wake of some bad press), being a primary sponsor of the show, the audience seems clear, and the first night’s ratings were pretty good, if not off the charts. But so far the effect is far murkier than the intent, as I will detail in future posts.  Thus far, the show appears to take too many liberties with the text to satisfy the most biblically-minded of viewers…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…hing terrible had taken place was the significant police presence. As we visited Ferguson Market and Liquor, the corner store Michael Brown visited before heading to his encounter with Wilson on Canfield Drive, there were at least six Ferguson police officers with accompanying cruisers guarding the entrance to the liquor store that had become a hotspot for protests in the wake of Brown’s murder. “The story of Ferguson didn’t start on Canfield Driv…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…has drawn attention to his Arizona-based Faithful Word Baptist Church with online videos of his extremist positions, including one in which he celebrated the June massacre at an Orlando gay bar. Mamba Online says the decision “follows a determined campaign by LGBT activists, led primarily by GaySA Radio, to stop the preacher, who calls for the execution of gay people, from spreading his shocking views in the country.” More details: “We have a duty…

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LGBT-Friendly Church is Not “Christian” Enough?

…followers of that Jesus guy, I checked ‘Yes.’ However, after perusing our site, the guy at the LGBT church site questioned our true dedication to the faith. Since we didn’t seem to meet the requirements of the Nicene Creed, we don’t appear to be a “Trinitarian” church. So I was asked to prove that we were a “real” Christian church. I replied: “We’re not creedal in the sense that we recite creeds or require others to recite them or affirm what are…

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Burning Down the Temple: Religion and Irony in Black Rock City

…hting of the temple began and everyone became transfixed by the fire. Each year I find the temple and its fiery demise the most moving experience on the playa; even if someone is hollering obnoxiously or playing with a laser pointer. If every other playa site invites irreverence and irony, this is still the one that takes meaning most seriously. It is a site of both voyeurism and participation, where our deepest fears and most painful losses are a…

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