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Israel Claims Holy Sites, Reignites Religious Flashpoint

…Yaakov, and Leah, were buried. “Netanyahu wants to make them solely Jewish sites and to take control of the land under these Muslim sites.” The structure over the Cave of the Patriarchs has long been under contention. Under Christian rule it was a church, under Muslim rule it was a mosque. Permission to pray inside depended on which religion and ruler was in power at the time. Crusaders prevented Muslims from praying inside, but when Salahaddin co…

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Dispatches From the Site of a Massacre

In less than a week’s time, on July 11, I’ll be in Bosnia where, sixteen years earlier, Serbian paramilitaries stormed Srebrenica and killed 8,000 Muslim men and boys—a city the U.N. had previously declared a safe haven. This past May, I led a group of nearly fifty people on a tour of Spain’s Muslim heritage. The experience was wonderful—Spaniards were warm and their country was breathtakingly beautiful. But it was unnerving to see centuries of a…

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The Belly of the Beast: NYC’s Shiny New Transit Hub Is All Wrong for the 9/11 Site

There are many ways in which memorials to the dead illustrate poignant principles for the living, but the World Trade Center Transportation Hub’s architectural centerpiece, named the “Oculus,” is an unsightly and inappropriate monument. The space is part of the newly-constructed campus—the WTC Hub—that has been in development since the attack that destroyed the World Trade Center in 2001. But what the Oculus brings to the memorial area bears no e…

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“Marriage Savers” Lobbies for Repeal of No-Fault Divorce

…t had no choice.” In a press release announcing the new Reform Divorce Web site, McManus argued that one spouse’s freedom to divorce the other without permission was the reason behind America’s high divorce rate. In the past, Marriage Savers’ organizational work seems to have focused on encouraging religious communities to adopt its Community Marriage Policies to make divorce and unmarried cohabitation less acceptable in their congregations; as we…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…announcement. The announcement even featured an attempt to discredit other sites to make the story seem more believable. It was the combination of all of these sites and sources, and the real news outlets that then picked the story up as newsworthy and continued to spread it—the self-justifying, logical circularity of “news” and an (at least initial) inability for users to distinguish between credible news outlets and non-credible ones—that contri…

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Chilean Mine Rescue: Largest Global Spiritual Event Ever?

…age viewers across a world clock. As the final miners reached the surface, online viewership topped more than four million page views per minute. While World Cup soccer and Wimbledon matches broadcast online simultaneously last June had significantly more page views (10.4 million per minute) and the inauguration of Barack Obama in November 2008 had slightly more (4.3 million per minute), the rescue of the Chilean miners is the largest expressly sp…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

…er, makes clear that the nonprofit, which itself heavily leverages various online and social media technologies to communicate with and connect people, is not hostile toward technology. Indeed, Reboot will launch a National Day of Unplugging smartphone app on February 25 that will remind users to unplug and allow them to share “their own principles to develop a modern, personal interpretation of a day of rest.” Another Reboot project, 10Q, offers…

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Pope Tweeted into Retirement

…ct warns that “the significance and effectiveness of the various forms of [online] expression appear to be determined more by their popularity than by their intrinsic importance and value.” One can imagine the pope wringing his hands in frustration at the lack of civility in online arguments about anything from celebrity divorces to the afterlife: “In the digital environment, too, where it is easy for heated and divisive voices to be raised and wh…

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…7th, the Guggenheim held a summit to discuss its Åzone Futures Market. The online exhibition, which went live quietly in October, is an eerie online marketplace where users invest and trade in actual futures. Not stock futures, mind you: this is a marketplace for betting on the future of the human race. The Guggenheim conceives of Åzone as a place where museum visitors can—from anywhere in the world—discuss, evaluate, and predict the effects of te…

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The Porn Workaround: How Christian Sexuality Websites Avoid Sin

…told me they felt called by God to launch their blogs, message boards and online stores. They see their sites as ministries, helping fellow married Christians enjoy what God created for them. They believe that married couples can use the sites because they can keep their sexual thoughts within the confines of marriage, imagining only their spouse as they read and contribute to discussions. These evangelicals have faith that if anyone uses the sit…

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