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In the Aftermath of the “Himalayan Tsunami”

…ound: the wages of development and globalization, the power of the natural world, divine agency, altruism, self-interest, and the political nature of both government action and religious ritual. The immediate impact of this flooding on Uttarakhand is extreme. The lasting impact on family life, labor patterns, regional economy, and levels of education, as Ravi Chopra and Malavika Vvawahare have passionately observed, will be an even deeper wound. …

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Rome Has Spoken and Rome Is Finished: The Vatican’s Sexual Abuse Summit ‘Failed Miserably’

…d and deeply disappointing pontiff. Instead, the official meeting featured videos of survivors at yet one more remove from the bishops, many of whom had never listened to survivors in their own dioceses. It’s no wonder. These stories are hard to hear. One woman in a video told of being forced as an underage teen into sex with a priest; he paid for her three abortions. Some bishops expressed genuine shock, leading observers to wonder where they hav…

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Reading Racism: In Confronting White Christian Fragility ‘Feeling’ is as Important as Ideas

…e in relief the Christian theology that underpins the legal and cultural structures and histories of America. It’s to raise in relief the stories of Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, indigenous spiritualists, and atheists who were felt and determined in these structures as “other” but nevertheless often struggled to claim their place in the project of American political belonging. It’s to point precisely to reading the stories of non-white, non-Chr…

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QAnon isn’t a Cult — a Problematic Term — But Michael Protzman’s Q-Adjacent ‘Negative48’ Certainly Is

…JFK Jr. was in hiding, warring against the Deep State, and would return to run as Trump’s vice president. Protzman makes prophecies based on three particular strands of QAnon (and outside) thought: English Gematria, originally a Jewish numerological system in which Hebrew letters are substituted for their corresponding numbers, but English in this case; a complex genealogical narrative that Lincoln is descended from Jesus and is also the ancestor—…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…r own fantasy version of an ancient past (and Wood even notes that ISIS recruitment videos utilize scenes of medieval warfare skillfully edited from contemporary movies) but no group, liberal or reactionary, can escape their own time period. To designate them as “medieval” is to merely engage in an outmoded school of historical critique that has more to do with our own constructed pasts and our own prejudices than it does reality. The modern world

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Of Martian Rovers and Terror in Holy Spaces

…dom and the United States. Aliens, vampires, and other monsters—these otherworldly beings are often metaphors for our this-worldly ways of organizing difference. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen calls the monster “difference made flesh, come to dwell among us” and the “harbinger of category crisis.” Timothy Beal notes how monstrosity has been central to our Orientalized imaginings of “other” religions, but can also hold us in tension with ourselves: horror, h…

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Remembering Gil Scott-Heron

…of social justice; and they pioneered some of the forms of blending spoken word, rhythm, and music that later took the world by storm as hip-hop music. Later, during an era of music videos and mainstream commercial rap, less and less that Scott-Heron produced made the transition to a mainstream lingua franca or commercial success. For a long stretch between the mid 1980s and 2010 he released only one record, and he battled drug problems. In 2005,…

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Correction: The SBC Does NOT Oppose Women’s Ordination… Just Women Pastors

…called pastor but not function as a pastor in any traditional sense of the word? One wonders whether the SBC’s rush to publicly double down on its prohibition of female pastors in the wake of Saddleback’s 2021 ordinations of three long term female employees belies even this small bit of wiggle room. Regardless, what we have here seems to be Olympic-level goalpost-moving by the SBC in an attempt to maintain their gender hierarchy without it, well,…

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Rick Warren’s Biblical Blowback

…what is really at issue: some things being worth killing for. Like someone breaking into your home. Or “evil.” I’ll come back to that word. Next, notice the curious confusion about the relationship between the two Christian “testaments” or, more accurately, the two “covenants.” As a Catholic, Hannity says that he wasn’t very well versed in the Hebrew Bible, and the Protestant pastor gently chides him for “just ignor[ing] that part.” This is signif…

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