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In Vitro v. Dignitas Personae: Teacher Fired for Fertility Treatment Sues Diocese

…its own internal logic. Or so would say those of us formed, whether knowingly or unknowingly, by the tradition of liberalism. This, presumably, was part of the thinking behind the recent Supreme Court decision in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. E.E.O.C. The Court ruled in favor of a “ministerial exception” to employment discrimination laws, on the theory that religious groups needed to be free to choose their leaders withou…

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Hajj Journal: Part of the Process

…ime. After seven years of growth, I plan to cut them off after hajj. Normally they only want women to cut off an symbolic few centimeters, but I wanted to let them go anyway, and this seems like the way to do it. I hear some pretty radical things about the decision cut the dreadlocks from women who’ve done it. It’s cathartic. One sister said all my pain went with my locks. I’m hoping something will go with mine. I was really getting into my prepar…

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Blame Series Bonus: Why We Want That Dish For Free, an Uncut Interview with Bertram Malle

…ey haven’t done anything bad yet, just watching them you’d wonder why exactly and who exactly does what. But of course we care the most about institutions when they perform some kind of good or bad behavior. Institutions have power. They have an enormous influence, they can withhold goods or they can confer goods—and in your case, Jet Blue withheld the goods of you actually being able to take your flight. Now, we’d like to respond to these agents…

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Transitions: Caitlyn Jenner, Gender Identity, and Christians Behaving Badly (Again)

…mpting to influence the behavior of society at large. Admittedly, they’re flying a bit blind here, as there’s little, if any, direct guidance in scripture on transgender identity. It just wasn’t a thing back then. There’s no explicit guidance in the Bible about dealing with the Internet, space travel, or viruses, either, but Mike Huckabee isn’t making offensive jokes at their expense. Christians have to learn to adapt to cultural change in a way t…

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New Atheism Produces Another Curiously Uncurious Science v. Religion Book

…y. But while my neighbor might think I’m going straight to hell, he generally doesn’t literally run over and try to save me from the fiery pit with every possible effort, which suggests that something a bit more complicated is going on here than a straightforward claim about the universe and our role in it. When ideas, and ideas alone, are what interest you, though, these finer shades of context don’t seem to matter quite so much. To back his equa…

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How Not to Talk to the NAACP

…y on, it sounded like he might. “I believe that if you understood who I truly am in my heart,” Romney said, “and if it were possible to fully communicate what I believe is in the real, enduring best interest of African American families, you would vote for me for president.” But then he read the Houston NAACP crowd a warmed-over stump speech.  In which he used the word “Obamacare.”  Which we all know is a fighting word, even if you follow it with…

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The Devil’s Music: How Christians Inspired, Condemned, and Embraced Rock ‘n’ Roll

…have come to think of themselves as in competition with—if not diametrically opposed to—Hollywood and the entertainment industry as well as popular music because they are trying to reach similar mass audiences. It’s little wonder that Billy Graham’s crusades used to air on network television in the primetime slot. He also toured with DC Talk, however unlikely that might seem. There are also a lot of resentments that fuel evangelicalism. (I’m thin…

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Egyptians Queue Up to Say: On February 4, 2011, I was in Tahrir Square

…tion. It never happened. The pro-Mubarak demonstrators showed up, caused a bit of a ruckus, and then dispersed—and a fair bit away from Liberation (Tahrir) Square. The atmosphere in the Square was electric. People were singing the national anthem of Egypt, and people watching were posting messages online indicating they were crying when they heard that chant. A number of famous personalities joined the protests after Friday prayers—including, sign…

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Mitt Romney: Wooden Pastor or Real Boy?

…est office in the parish for a Mormon woman) under Bishop Tom Welch, famously known as the first Mormon who tried to spearhead the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Our executive meetings followed a business format with charts and graphs that provided attendance statistics. The goal was to increase attendance; to move the line on the graph up. The strategy was to go name by name through the list of inactive members and research their particu…

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Going Negative: Traditionalist Churches Gang Up on ‘Progressive Christianity’ in Arizona

…rces to work against “Progressive Christianity” and its beliefs. There’s only one problem: literally just down the street from one of the conservative churches, there’s a self-described “progressive Christian” congregation, Fountains United Methodist Church. Fountains’ pastor, the Rev. David Felten, is the author of a book on progressive Christianity, and the church proudly advertises its welcome of the “LGBTQ community,” support for science, and…

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