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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…nd Salinger’s is a very hard world. It seems important to keep in mind how World Wars bookend the narrative world he went to such lengths to create, and that his own writerly career was more or less bookended by the end of the Second War and the beginning of the Civil Rights movement. Yet the quest that Seymour set for his siblings, a quest apparently best captured by a posthumous collection of 184 short poems we never see, was a quest for happine…

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John McCain: No God But Country

…maybe it’s not just more candidate bullshit, that this guy it’s maybe the truth. Or maybe both the truth and bullshit—the man does want your vote, after all. The man does want your vote, after all. And so we return to where we begin. How do we ever know the mysteries of the man’s soul? And what, really, should those mysteries have to do with our political estimations? To declare that McCain is not Christian against his (once rare; now constant) pr…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

and then to have him sing is undoubtedly to draw attention to any tuneful words put in his mouth. These words, however, are used without translation, and so only for a tiny fraction of Little House viewers would their significance have been apparent. Yiddish speakers would have known that this was a song about the young learning from the old, and the place of ancient knowledge in the modern world. In the fireplace A little fire burns The schoolho…

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Top Five (Less Sensational, But More Dangerous) Things to Remember About Pat Robertson (1930-2023)

…wn as The Family Channel. This story has two morals: The first is that Fox News and Robertson’s “news” deserve about the same degree of respect from journalists. Second, critics have raised questions about the legality of financial transactions related to Robertson’s business empire. Although at this point there’s no way to determine how well these accusations would hold up in court, we can easily imagine more diligent investigations. 3) Robertson…

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Does the Inquisition Explain the Modern World?

…nt after ideas, inventing the Index of Forbidden Books, roasting Giordano Bruno for espousing multiple worlds, censoring Galileo for his heliocentrism. It was a busy time for inquisitors: between the 16th and 18th centuries, they conducted perhaps 50,000 trials, resulting in about 1250 executions. But the Church, in the end, was overmatched by Enlightenment principles and Protestantism (even if the latter had its inquisitorial moments under Calvin…

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‘Iconoclash’ of Civilizations: Missives from the Image Wars

…a cloud of dust, since those whom she is studying always seem to live amid ruins: the ruins they have just toppled, the ruins of what they had put up in place of the ones they toppled, ruins that others, for the same reason, are preparing to destroy. Over the past hundred or so years, this attitude has been one of the chief exports of The West, and as it exported this attitude to the rest of the world, it became further blind to its increased atta…

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American Christianity Is Changing Fast: Five Stories to Watch in 2016

…ligious scandals—whether financial, sexual or both. Beyond the general distrust of large-scale institutions and the disconnect between politics, culture and what people are looking for in church, this shift represents a failure on the part of most churches to provide a message and organizational structure that will both attract and retain church members. This will likely continue, but will churches adapt by figuring out what people want in church,…

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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…P Primary in Colorado handily but suffered an unexpected loss to Rick Santorum in February 2012. Given the Mormon population in Colorado, voters here should harbor less hesitation about Romney than voters in Southern states; still, Romney still faces real opposition from Colorado evangelicals, including Colorado-born Bryan Fischer and the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family. Will Romney have to expend extra resources to bring Colorado evang…

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Demonized and Demonizing No More.

…s very mindful about saying, “This is how it has been for me. This is where I am right now.” I hope to invite people to think about their own lives, and I hope other people will step forward and offer their own stories so that we can build a larger canon of stories and ideas that demonstrate the value of having more open, challenging, compassionate, and patient conversations about religious differences….

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The Roots of White Evangelicalism’s Crisis Are in White Evangelical Churches, Not Republican Politics

…on their congregations. The roots are healthy, but outside forces have corrupted the fruit. These assumptions should not stand unchallenged. Segregation as pragmatism It’s time for white evangelical leaders to consider the possibility that their own theology and institutions are at the center of the problem. To seriously consider this, white evangelicals need a history lesson and the willingness to finally listen to what Black evangelicals have b…

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