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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…Oh, and the top religion author of 2011? Tim Tebow, whose life story is a runaway bestseller for our friends at HarperOne.  But what about the stories that shoulda been, but weren’t? We’re thinking this list, drawn up Peter Laarman, might provide a template for 2012 coverage. —The Eds. 1. “Catholic” countries that openly flout Vatican policy Significant defections from the Vatican party line are no longer limited to rich cosmopolitan countries wi…

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The Year in Mormons: Top 7 Stories of 2012

…, Te’o, and Parker—a pity, really. 4. Mormon feminists and allies organize worldwide “Pants to Church” Sunday to raise awareness and start dialogue about women’s issues in the LDS Church. With thousands of women and men (wearing purple in solidarity) participating worldwide, the event is the largest concerted feminist effort in Mormon history. Although internet reaction to the event is fierce—including threats of violence and ecclesiastical action…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…le. Yet during the course of that year, reporters in American and European news outlets have struggled to come to grips with events in the rapidly changing Middle East that, in many ways, have defied conventional stereotypes of politics and culture in the Arab World. David Kirkpatrick’s piece in the New York Times, “Chaotic Start to Egypt’s First Democratically Elected Parliament,” emphasized the “bedlam,” “yelling,” and “chaos” of the proceedings…

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Why We Need a Public Black Theology for the 21st Century

…k leaders are cast as representatives of their race, translating the Black world for the white world, obviously an impossible task. This has always been the case, but the dynamics shifted with the end of segregation. With talented Blacks so often surrounded by whites, the possibility to become an organic intellectual, immersed in but also critically reflecting on a community, nearly vanished (except in prisons). Mainstream (and even leftist) white…

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Liberty University’s #NeverTrump Petition Is No Shot Heard ‘Round the World

…ch to bear, and a group of Liberty University students released a strongly worded statement distancing themselves from Falwell and Trump: We are Liberty students who are disappointed with President Falwell’s endorsement and are tired of being associated with one of the worst presidential candidates in American history. Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to do with him… Because our president has led the world to believe…

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Woe is Me (“Ya laytani”)

…that some how women are particularly prone to deception. All based on one word, kayd. If we simply review the entire Qur’an for the use of this word, we see there is neither restriction to women nor any particular emphasis on it with regard to women. This is just something the author has made up perhaps because of the culture from which he comes. In other words, according to the Qur’an there is kayd all around: women do it, men do it, animals do…

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The Bible Is Not a Diet Plan

…, Bruce Wilkinson, urged readers to “enlarge their territory” by repeating word-for-word the prayer for success attributed to Jabez in the Book of Chronicles. Here’s how Wilkinson dispenses with all of the context around those magic words of prosperity: “You’ll find [Jabez] hiding in the least read section of one of the least-read books of the Bible. The first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles are taken up with the official family tree of the Hebrew t…

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Of God, But Not God: A Methodist Minister Speaks About Church’s Refusal to Open Its Doors to LGBT

…findings. I don’t know where we’ll be at that point. There’s not a lot of trust. I can honestly say I do not trust those who are so adamantly on the other side, just as they don’t trust me. I really believe there’s going to have to be some kind of restructuring that allows diversity within the denomination. I believe that each regional conference should get to decide how they want approach the issue. Let us decide, let us govern ourselves on this…

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The Folly of Arab-West (Elite-Elite) Dialogue

…ine this ‘Arab-West’ relationship—both within the West and within the Arab world. The cultural construct is this: ‘the West’ historically owes a great deal to the Arab world, which influenced it tremendously, both through Western Arab countries like Arab Spain (al-Andalus) and through continued ties through the ages. The West intervened as an imperial and colonialist power in different parts of the Arab world over modern history—and Western cultur…

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This World Refugee Day, Rising White Nationalism Meets the Largest Refugee Population in History — Which is No Coincidence

…brown refugees from Ukraine or any other country. Where was this sense of international responsibility toward refugees from Syria who’ve similarly suffered from Russian warmongering? Where was this solidarity with Afghans whose homeland was decimated by the longest US-led military campaign in American history and the subsequent military drawdown, or the Afghans who sacrificed their well-being and their families in support of American troops and y…

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