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Indonesia: As Volcano Erupts, a Spiritual Loss

…es across the country. His grave will almost certainly become a pilgrimage site. Mbah Marijan was also eulogized in the Friday sermon at the campus mosque at Gadjah Mada University. He was described as a simple and pious man who tried to do the best that he could for the people and who was, in this respect, very different from local and national politicians. The mayor of the village of Umbulharjo, close to Mbah Marijan’s compound stated: “We have…

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“Can You Tell Me Who The Villains Are?”: Rock and Religion, Irish-Style

…begins another great Saw Doctors’ song, referring to the famous pilgrimage site where villagers saw the Virgin Mary in the late 19th century, and where pilgrims come from around the world to await miracles. Just last year, a Dublin man named Joe Coleman gathered hundreds of believers at Knock to await another apparition. “Can you tell me who the villains are?” the Saw Doctors go on to ask. The answer is obvious to an Irish band: self-proclaimed fa…

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Arcade Fire and the Suburban Soul

…experience the feelings of the songs in a multimedia environment. At this site, you can input the address where you grew up and to the tune “We Used to Wait,” street-side scenes of your address (from Google Earth) pop up alongside a swirl of the character’s memories, concluding with Dali-esque imagery of trees suddenly sprouting in your chosen streets. From Natural Refuge to Paved Prison The American suburb has a history longer than most recogniz…

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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

…anti-Christian ACLU.” Some of Wheeler’s recent columns at the conservative site Townhall have included “America’s Enemies Prefer Obama,” “Queen of Jihad” (referring to Nancy Pelosi), and “Obama Stimulating Marxist Revolution Using Taxpayer Money.” These, and the ad, are not merely words of political demonization; they evoke religious conflict and Christianity versus satanic forces. The PAC raised $11 million and spent $10 million in the 2008 cycle…

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Crying Witch: Learning From the O’Donnell “Dabbling” Debacle

…those of us interested in religion, the strange midnight picnic becomes a site for untangling confusions about religious practice and religious terms. What is a Witch? O’Donnell’s jokey comments draw from the well of popular cultural ideas about witches and witchcraft, conceptions shaped in large part by fiction, theater, movies, and television; from Shakespeare to Frank Baum to J.K. Rowling. Intentional or not, O’Donnell’s invocation of fictiona…

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The Latest Suspicious Ex-Muslim

…er professional converts have had. [Author’s note: A screen shot of the website is included in case the maintainers of the site choose to update in response the criticisms listed here. The screen capture was made on Oct. 19, 2010. Post continues below screenshot.] There are so many flags with Al-Rassooli’s self-description, I am not sure where to begin. His name is spelled in a way no Arab would spell his name, opting for a corruption of “ar-rasul…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…government properties in exchange for that lake. They were even given the site of the old gymnastics venue from the 2004 Athens Olympics, which they immediately set about converting to lease to a for-profit (!) hospital. These various monastic holdings are now estimated to be worth somewhere between one and two billion dollars.  When the sweet scale of this deal became public, heads of state rolled. This scandal literally brought down the Karaman…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…ves out a plethora of other stories, the show’s excellent accompanying Web site provides a wealth of material for further reading and discussion. The independent essay “The Black Church,” for example, is an outstanding model of compressed but sophisticated historical narrative, one that assuaged my uneasiness with the lack of a black presence up until the section on slavery and the Civil War. Religious Freedom Fostered Religious Repression The the…

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Taking On The Religious Right…In Kansas? Yes.

…m I so excited by it)? Let me count the ways: It’s true. Check the Holland site for the citations, which are difficult to refute. Lou Engle has horrible politics. Brownback should have his judgment questioned for hanging around with him. More to the point, whether you like it or not, hanging a bigoted person around your opponent’s neck is an accepted and efficient political tactic. Fred Phelps has even more horrible politics. More to the point, he…

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MRI Jesus, Bush’s Reading List, Ahmadinejad & the Pope…

…en who were charged with “offending public morals” for eating on their job site during Ramadan. By declining to hear an appeal, the US Supreme Court effectively upheld a ban on religious Christmas carols in a New Jersey school district. In Germany, a group of Catholics want to take the Santa out of Christmas. They want to replace the consumerist Claus with the selfless St. Nicholas. Druidry is now recognized as a religion by Great Britain. That on…

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