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Obama in India: Missed Opportunities

…alues of the world’s religions—Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. He visited Gandhi’s home and his cremation site, affirming the value of nonviolent resistance as the greatest mean to sustainable social change. Yet he also gave meandering, academic answers to students pressing him on the topics of jihad and Pakistani support for terrorism. And he showed fear before principle in the decision not to risk being photographed in a head-covering goi…

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Religious Right Dream of Privatized Public Education Gets Boost

…e partnerships for charter schools, in which businesses would help fund on-site charter schools. The funding business would have a significant voice on the governing board and reserve half of the seats in the classrooms for children of employees.   These efforts and others will be supported during the upcoming National School Choice Week (January 23-29) in which Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition (and director of  Pat Robertson…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…t on some of the spins Special Guest is promoting here. Today, the booking site is promoting Ted Shoebat, who says that being an atheist leads one to commit mass murder. “It’s actually very simple,” Shoebat was quoted in Special Guest’s promotion, “When God is not in your life, evil will seek to fill the void.” And who is Shoebat? As Sarah wrote in a post in August: …(He) is the son of “ex-terrorist” Walid Shoebat, an over-exposed figure in Christ…

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What Does Anti-Christian Even Mean?

…freedom (especially Christian religious freedom), Dr. Gary Cass at the web site Defend Christians has come out with his top ten “Anti-Christian Acts of 2010.” Coming it at number one on the hit parade is the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that ended employment discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans. Cass warns that the new law “would force ministries to hire people who oppose the beliefs o…

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CPAC Conservatives Shun “Crazy Bigot” Gaffney

…Congress to investigate “creeping shari’ah,” talked to the conspiracy web site World Net Daily, claiming “that CPAC has come under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is working to bring America under Saudi-style Shariah law.”  Gaffney’s exhibit A is Suhail Khan, a member of the American Conservative Union board, which annually sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference. WND’s piece is based on Gaffney’s charges “that Islami…

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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…the latest anti-evolution attack. The battle is now back in Louisiana, the site of Dover’s precursor of Edwards v. Aguillard, in which creation science was struck down as religion in 1987. The strategy is now focused on “teaching the controversy.” Instead of actually claiming that they have a scientific claim, they now just try to instill doubt in students’ minds about the validity of evolutionary theory. Earlier this month, creationists led by th…

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Why Did Vandals Try to Destroy a Holy Tree?

…essness of the destruction. Ironically, the social value ascribed to these sites made them ripe for sacrifice. Had the vandals been the only ones on Earth who knew about the Eye of the Needle, it may never have occurred to them to destroy it. Certainly, no sadistic impulse could be satisfied by destroying something that no one was able to appreciate. Instead these sites were the locus of communities, traditions, and histories stretching back centu…

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Will Answers in Genesis’ New ‘Ark Park’ Comply with Anti-Discrimination Laws?

…door regarding how the culture and church view biblical authority.” The website promotes Ham as a speaker who can bring these insights about the authority of the bible to bear on ‘“hot button” topics of our day (e.g., the breakdown of the society and the family unit, “gay” marriage, school violence, creation/evolution in public schools, abortion, homosexual behavior, lawlessness, etc.)” AiG does not just promote a peculiar religious view about hum…

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Forgiving LeBron, Fetal Jesus Sonogram, and Hummus Wars

…asure that prohibited Sharia law in state courts. In Saudi Arabia, the Mecca Clock Royal Tower is under construction. When finished it will be the second tallest building in the world. It is also located right next to the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest site. And there is now a video game rating system based on “the society, culture, and the special values of Islam.” The Chaplain for the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers is asking fans to forgive star LeBron James…

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Sex and Civilization: The Body as Battleground

…in on our bodies. Ever since the Hebrew Bible, the human body has been the site of boundary-drawing, nation-defining, and, most importantly, the control of desire. Abraham’s mutilation of his and his son’s penises physically mark his family as distinct from all others; an act which not coincidentally curtails pleasure and marks the subservience of man to divine (or human) authority. We today are Abraham’s heirs, and re-enactors, of countless acts…

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