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Sacred Geography: A Queer Latino Theological Response to Orlando

…d. Not for myself. Not even for them. But for the spirit of our community. Headlines continued to flash buzzwords—“terrorism,” “ISIS,” “hate crime”—but the truth is, we really don’t have language to talk about these events. We don’t have the right words to ask the questions that need to be asked right now. As I watched the parade, I saw the float for the Los Angeles LGBT Center approaching. Behind their banner were large letters spelling out, “ORL…

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Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End the World: An Excerpt

…specially important is the belief held by many Muslims that the Mahdi will rule from Jerusalem, which the Muslims claim as their own. Muslims who follow these beliefs expect the final battle to come very soon, and this is affecting their politics, which, in turn, is affecting all of our lives. Jewish fundamentalists, by contrast, do not think of a battle to come, but it is hard to see how their end times can appear without one. For they hold that…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…ed Israelites or with Pharoah and Pharoah’s enforcers. You needn’t take my word for it. You can ask Walter Brueggemann about the degree to which imperial religion has effectively colonized white American Christianity. Or you can ask any black Christian whether Dr. King was right to say that America “is in danger of becoming a ‘thing’ society,” and he or she will answer that, if anything, King was understating the case back in 1967. All this was br…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…when MacDonald posted an account on the closed, but widely read, Religion News Association Facebook page that, according to Merritt, was “a misleading recounting of what actually transpired… Jeff claimed the decision was ‘mundane’ and that there was no drama, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.” “I was happy to let the story pass under the radar and to move on, but I felt, as a journalist, I needed to set the record straight.” Rea…

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No, Rush Limbaugh Did Not Hijack Your Parents’ Christianity

…ive view of the news,” along with a conservative wire service and chain of newspapers. Rush Limbaugh stepped up to meet this need. Limbaugh rose to prominence after the 1987 repeal of the FCC’s Fairness Doctrine, which had mandated honest and equitable on-air treatment of controversial issues. The repeal ushered in the era of conservative talk radio, and Limbaugh’s bombastic style set the tone. The election of Bill Clinton in 1992 heightened Limba…

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Fox News Controversy on Yoga and White Supremacy Reveals Problem of Yoga Discussion

…ghth of the practice,” therefore white American practitioners dilute “its true depth and meaning” and miss the true aim of yoga, which is to “remember our innate oneness and connection with universal consciousness.” These claims echo many critiques of commercial yoga that rest on the assumption that yoga has a single, authentic origin point and purpose. Yoga’s origins are often located in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, in which the author prescribes eig…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…pecifically, his claim to identify ancient views about the shari’ah which trumped contemporary jurisprudence that he found disagreeable—along with his attempt to put traditionalism to relentlessly punitive purposes. That led him to argue (for example) that certain members of Shi‘a sects were non-Muslim heretics who merited execution, and it inspired his student Ibn Qayyim to propose that the Prophet and his Companions had approved of torturing cri…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…orters, now that visionaries and their witnesses use video cameras and the World Wide Web. President Obama made the news last week when he made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Oscar Romero, the murdered archbishop of San Salvador whom the Vatican has refused to consider for canonization. Romero has drawn the loving devotion of thousands of ordinary Catholics since he was assassinated in 1980 by agents of the US-supported government of El Salvador. Tow…

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With Creation of Little Noticed Department, Pope Francis is Securing Liberal Reforms

…is political revolution to the Vatican. Pope Francis’s willingness to constructively engage with the problems of the modern world has been enhanced by his humble persona, evident from the very beginning of his papacy, when he took his name in honor of St Francis of Assisi, and refused to wear the traditional ornate papal robes in favor of a simple white cassock. Since then, the pope’s awareness of the importance of image has been demonstrated time…

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