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Make no Mistake, if There’s a War Between Russia and Ukraine, it Will be a Religious War

…o be clear—given a significant amount of attention. At the same time, many rushed to assure the world that those young men who flew planes into buildings and stoned unveiled women in the street, did not represent “the real Islam.” Far fewer made the much more accurate observation that both Osama bin Laden and Abdolkarim Soroush represented real and legitimate positions within Islam, because traditions are complicated and people with vastly differi…

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Why Antisemitism is an Insufficient (and Risky) Explanation for Hamas’s October 7 Attack on Israel

…us anger is the seething antisemitism he believes is rampant in the Muslim world. In a piece for the Atlantic, Bruce Hoffman sifts through various Hamas charters to demonstrate that the organization’s violence is driven by what some scholars refer to as ‘consensus antisemitism’—or hatred of Jews because they’re Jews. In the same magazine, Gal Beckerman compares the Hamas attack to his grandparents’ experience in the Majdanek concentration camp. Bu…

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Making Muffins and Troops for Spiritual Warfare: The Godly Women of Instagram

…urprising; the nexus of whiteness and masculinity features prominently in Trump’s base. The women among Trump’s supporters appear attired in patriotic gear much like the men’s. Their star-spangled baseball caps might be covered in bling, but these women generally don’t perform overtly traditional femininity. However, the God-and-guns Christian right, with its aggressions and resentments, depends not only on symbols of traditional masculinity, but…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…in eradicating it. It’s not just about passive demographic change, and the news stories we see pretty often about when a county or a city or the nation will no longer be majority white. It’s about an apocalyptic threat perpetrated by what these conspiracists think of as a cabal. They see, for instance, abortion as a scheme to lower the white birth rate. They see residential integration as a scheme to lower the white birth rate. They see feminism a…

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Why This Lie? Brian Williams’ Pulpit Fiction

…ry’s plot and its moral rarely fit so neatly together. And perhaps that’s true of war stories as well. “For a long time I was angry,” the writer and former Marine Phil Klay notes in his National Book Award winning collection Redeployment. “I didn’t want to talk about Iraq, so I wouldn’t tell anybody I’d been. And if people knew, if they pressed, I’d tell lies.” Williams’s Icarus-like downfall after attempting to fly too close to the sun of war bro…

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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…imal. The Hawkins case at Wheaton may yet prove to be the exception to the rule, as a number of insiders are holding out hope that she will be reinstated. Perhaps there’s even a slight chance of a broader reversal. But whatever the outcome for Hawkins, the extent of the conservative crackdown on evangelical campuses is worth noting. One of the frustrations mentioned again and again by sources is how dishonest the schools have been about their moti…

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A Comedy Writer Confronts ‘Mind-Shredding Evil’ in Uganda

…rmer top commanders, (an ex-bodyguard for president Museveni) was hired to run it. Bussmann learned that this was more the rule than the exception. Writing on the Huffington Post she recently declared that some 20-66,000 children have been direct victims of what amounts to a “fake war.” “But if everyone knew… why had nobody stopped him?” she wondered. “All around me, millions were being pumped into the effort.” “Only a cynic,” she continued, “coul…

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Exactly 30 Years Before Illinois AG’s Devastating Sexual Abuse Report, a Plan for Prevention was Implemented, Then Scrapped

…rt, are both part of the same metro area which had and still has two daily newspapers. The papers each rushed to cover the crisis, though the Belleville News Democrat far outstripped the Post-Dispatch in both breadth and depth. At that time, St. Louis had a fairly new but quite energetic chapter of SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), which I led for 30 years. Our members frequently stood outside Belleville area churches, handing o…

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Marriage is for Everybody, Says Former Anti-Gay Evangelical

…d bringing blessing outside the standard pattern set forth in the creation stories of Genesis. So, you look at that and say every part of the Bible testifies to God’s willingness to bless people beyond these standard patterns, except in this one issue of same-sex marriage. What kind of sense does that make? Again, there’s not a statement in the Bible that says, “Same-sex relationships are okay,” just as there’s not a statement in the Bible that sa…

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Why Must Jesus Contain Gluten?

…y Palestine. It’s the reason Bible translations in breadless regions can struggle to render Jesus’s words in John 6:35—”I am the bread of life”—in an intelligible idiom. “I am the sweet potato of life.” “I am the rice of life.” Can Jesus be “bread”—and can bread be Jesus—where bread is unknown, or consumed only by a rarified (or colonial) elite? The ritual is predestined to change, either in its form, or in the way people experience it. Somewhere…

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