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Christian Voter Guide: Jesus is Wrong on the Issues and Wrong for America

…hen they were unjust, and subjected himself to them meekly. Not exactly a crusading culture warrior, then. Is truthful;—High marks here. Jesus never was a liar. “Let your word be “Yes, Yes” or “No, No”; anything more than this comes from the evil one.” Hates covetousness.—Again, Jesus does well by this measure, having a strong anti-covetousness platform. On the other hand, he does have an explicitly redistributionist economic program. No word on h…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…aying to the same God, as Lincoln famously declared. In response to Reconstruction, white southerners struck back with a vengeance. Segregation under Jim Crow and the accompanying deadly violence were justified by those who insisted that the mixing of races was against God’s design. The Civil Rights Movement asserted God-given dignity in the face of dehumanization. But I haven’t done justice to the tradition. I’ve omitted much, and of course, no p…

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Paul Ryan: I Reject Ayn Rand, She’s an Atheist!

…arguing that leaving future generations with government debt would be the truly immoral thing to do. He told the Eternal Word Television Network recently, “If we keep growing government in debt, we will crowd out the civil society — those charities, those churches, those institutions in our local communities that do the most to actually have a human touch to help people in need.” (Institutions with a human touch like the Catholic school in Indiana…

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How an 1843 Revelation on Polygamy Poses a Serious Challenge to Modern Mormonism

…formation a conflict would follow Finally, in early July, things reached a breaking point. Hyrum, eager to help, invited Joseph to his office on the morning of July 12 and urged him to dictate a revelation outlining the theology of plural marriage. He hoped that just as the doctrine had permanently converted him, it could finally do the same for Emma. Joseph acquiesced and produced a 3,300-word revelation “on the order of the priesthood.” Hyrum, s…

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The Sad Saga of a Compromised Rabbi

…hen I asked if he’d punished him, he told me, “No, the punishment is in the crime. I told my son that the real punishment for being untrustworthy is that people won’t trust you.”…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…lahan was a Jesuit priest. A feminist before most men could even spell the word, he was dismissed from the order in the 1990s for reasons including his support of women’s ordination. He declined to leave his public ministry at Quixote and return to Boston as ordered. In other words, he refused to cop to a false notion of obedience that was really just a show of institutional church muscle. Instead, he continued on for decades as a dedicated champi…

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…onservative critique, was one of the first tremors of public doubt in the trustworthiness of news. And now look where we are. The time could not be more right for Nicole Hemmer’s new book, Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics, which tells the origin story of activist conservative media. RD’s Eric C. Miller spoke with Hemmer about the role of religion in the rise of the first generation of conserva…

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“As Orthodox As They Come”: A Backstage Conversation With Rob Bell

…l military superpower, and they keep insisting that’s not how you make the world better, through just crushing everybody in your path. Peace comes through sacrificial love. So they take all this Roman military propaganda and they start subverting it. “Jesus is lord.” Subversion. You also like the concept of “disruption.” A Christian might say to you, “Go to my place Thursday night.” You go to their place Thursday night, and there’s this ramshackle…

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AIDS Progress is Paradoxical

…cietal rates of infection.) Depressing. It is also depressing that April’s news stories included the following note: Veterans Affairs said Friday that initial tests show one patient each from its facilities in Miami; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; and Augusta, Ga. has tested positive for HIV following exposure to potentially contaminated medical equipment. VA spokesperson Katie Roberts said the three HIV cases “still need to be verified” by additional tests…

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On MSNBC RD Editor Discusses Trayvon Martin

…RD contributing editor Anthea Butler, who wrote about Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism this week, appeared on Melissa Harris Perry’s MSNBC program this morning to talk more about the tragic shooting and its aftermath.  Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy…

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