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Pro-LGBT Evangelical David Gushee: “I’m With You and the Church Needs to Change.”

…h Gushee and Merritt would be the first to say that Merritt wasn’t exactly breaking news. After all, for anyone who has followed Gushee’s work, the revelation that he supports “covenanted same-sex relationships for Christians” was no surprise. He’s been coming to this position over time—too slowly, he admits now, telling me, “I’m not proud of how long it took me, in fact I apologize for that in the book.” The book, he says, isn’t about marriage or…

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Student To Michele Bachmann: “Presidential Candidates Shouldn’t be able to Make Stuff Up”

…ndidates shouldn’t be able to make stuff up.” Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy   But Bachmann’s reticence is hardly a surprise. As Allison Kilkenny pointed out on AlterNet, “perhaps such ignorance should be expected from the woman who stood on the House floor and declared that the threat of manmade global warming doesn’t make sense because “carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of nature.” Kopplin, a Louisi…

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This is No Ordinary Anti-Blackness — The Racist History of the Pet-Eating Conspiracy

…i Rhine, a political science professor based in Springfield, Ohio, told US News & World Report: It’s really dangerous because I’m worried about violence here, because some people will believe that. And there are signs of people being harassed, including not even Haitians, but people who are perceived as Haitians … So there are real risks to real human beings here that are appalling. Strategies of religious racism Haitians’ revolutionary war for in…

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NY Subway Killing a Case of Blind Hatred?

…have a hard time getting a “lesser-known” religious tradition right: A Fox News analyst asked if there had been any “anti-Semitic acts” in the past against Sikhs; CNN’s Don Lemon wondered if Sikhs have “traditional enemies,” or if the shooter had a “beef with the Sikhs”; a local Wisconsin station reported that the religion is “based in northern Italy.” Corrective guidelines were immediately issued by the Asian American Journalists’ Association. Bu…

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Guns, God and Government — The Coming of White Minority Rule?

…o bring us together again.” Is Rowan describing the 2010s and the rise of Trumpism? No, these words were penned in 1996 in the midst of the Bush-Clinton years as stagnant wages, deindustrialization, racial resentment, and political retrenchment had created a right-wing populist charge led by Pat Buchanan who shocked the GOP establishment by garnering nearly a quarter of the primary vote in 1992 and winning three primaries in 1996. However, Buchana…

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One More Day until Marriage Equality vote in New York?

…emptions akin to those contained in New Hampshire’s marriage equality law. CNN and other news outlets have reported that the governor can extend the legislative session beyond today’s deadline and has said that he would do so. Today, a Buffalo television station reported that the marriage vote would likely take place tomorrow; it said the governor and Republicans were still working on reaching agreement on other unresolved legislative business reg…

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Two Cheers for British Museum’s Sanitized Hajj Exhibition

…effects of the transnational media environment. Whether it was CNN making news history with its coverage of the Hajj live from Mecca, or the recent IMAX visual masterpiece that recounted the tales of 14th century explorer Ibn Battuta, the socio-historical significance of an exclusively Muslim journey has been increasingly relayed through an audio-visual experience. But to accurately portray a phenomenon that belongs to contemporary times as much…

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A Valentine for the World…and for the Church I Left

…have to admit, that could apply to all of us in the old days. We had the truth, the only truth, and to hell (literally) with everyone else. We were twenty, and I forgive us. Twenty-year-olds have to be myopic to survive. The big picture can be potentially paralyzing to those whose brains have only recently gelled into maturity. But I turned 30 and finally 40 with this same mindset. In the end, I didn’t persevere. It wasn’t that the seed was snatc…

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Racial Justice Will Be Top Priority for New Prez of the United Church of Christ

…there is yet and still more light and truth to break forth from God’s holy word.” We see it in the words of the 19th century abolitionist poet, James Russell Lowell, who wrote in his landmark poem “The Present Crisis:” “Time makes ancient good uncouth; we must onward still and upwards who would keep abreast of truth.” And we certainly see that spirit carried through today—for example, when we revitalized ourselves a decade ago in our God is Still…

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