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Toni Morrison, Prophet of America’s Demons (1931-2019)

…ony.” Morrison argues that since the “formation of the nation necessitated coded language and purposeful restriction to deal with the racial disingenuousness and moral frailty at its heart, so too did the literature, whose founding characteristics extend into the twentieth century, reproduce the necessity for codes and restriction.” That “race” is a pseudo-scientific social construct is besides the point, Morrison would remind us. Of course race i…

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Yes, It Can Be Hard to Be an Atheist in America; Now We Have the Data

…k). In addition, Reality Check takes care to note disparate outcomes among African-American, Latinx, ex-Muslim, and LGBTQ respondents, the intersections of whose racial, ethnic, sexuality, and gender identities can affect their experiences as nonreligious Americans. After reading Reality Check, I recently decided to test the waters on how the politically engaged, broadly progressive public might relate to the representation of nonreligious America…

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No, Trump’s Evangelical Support Isn’t Cracking: The ‘Independent’ Jumps the Shark

…al evangelical organisations, but also by political figures such as former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and a number of prosperity-gospel televangelists.” Meanwhile, Geddis’s contention that Trump’s comment on the use of bleach to “cure” coronavirus “may prove problematic in November, as … [it] chips away at Trump’s image as a shrewd operator Republicans can place their trust in,” is remarkably naïve. To be sure, even among white evan…

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Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

…ace Force: God’s hand will guide these space soldiers in their “defense of freedom”—that is, the freedom of commercial enterprise. The administration advertised the biblical foundations of its protectionist pursuit of dominance in space with a ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral on January 12th, 2020. At an event that conflated Christian supremacism with American exceptionalism, the first Chief of Space Operations was sworn in on a King…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…ys and in all places to observe a marked distinction between the White and African races; to vote for none but white men for any office of honor, profit or trust; to devote my intelligence, energy and influence to instil these principles in the minds and hearts of others; and to protect and defend persons of the White Race, in their lives, rights and property, against the encroachments and aggressions of an inferior race.” It should not be assumed…

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I’m Not Here to Fix Evangelicals, But to Show Them Who They Are: An Interview With the Author of ‘White Evangelical Racism’

…Hair, to Ronnie Dio and Dominionism. A professor of Religious Studies and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Butler, whose popular Twitter feed is a must-read, is a public intellectual in the best sense of the term. She is also part of an emerging cohort of scholars, many with extensive personal experience in evangelical subculture, who have refused to whitewash the authoritarian nature of evangelicalism, a practice that pervades…

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Apocalypse Now and Then: How a Biblical Genre Shapes American Politics

…e results, leading to the January 6th insurrection. The disagreement among Republicans seems not so much between Republicans who see Democratic victories as legitimate and those who do not, but, as Adam Serwer argues, between Republicans who think violence might be necessary to hold power and those who prefer institutional malfeasance. These developments go well beyond Norm Ornstein and Thomas Mann’s dark warning almost a decade ago that the Repub…

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Republican Party: You Are What You Are!

…aterboard Barack Obama” posting on the official Web site of the Sacramento Republican Party have pushed me over the cliff of compassion and attempts at understanding the conservative agenda. The RNC can no longer simply denounce such hateful acts without first admitting that the Republican “southern strategy” of racial division has become their national modus operandi and self-definition. As far as the Grand Ol’ Party is concerned, fear, hate and…

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Satanic or Systemic? Promise Keepers Are Back and Looking to End Racism Via ‘Trickle-Down Racial Reconciliation’

…o racial reconciliation. Since its inception Promise Keepers have included African-American clergy and lay leaders who’ve had varying degrees of influence on the organization. In the rebooted Promise Keepers, notable pastors such as board member Donald Burgs, Jr. president of African American Fellowship of Southern Baptist Convention of Texas, and megachurch pastor Tony Evans, help steer the direction of the organization. Promise Keeper and former…

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The Gutting of ‘Roe’ isn’t About Religion, it’s a Product of White Terror

…opponents.” Despite their high levels of religiosity, a solid majority of African Americans support safe and legal access to abortion. And African American women have the highest rate of abortion amongst all groups of American women. The reasons are not mysterious—Black women are disproportionately poor, under-employed, single and living in highly segregated communities with limited health care access which have borne the brunt of the economic de…

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