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VIPREG2024 1xbet free promo code 2024 Central African Republic

America’s ‘Jesus Problem’ is Making Progressive Christians Complicit in Christian Supremacy

…prey to the charge of false equivalency between progressive Christianity, African-American Christianity, and that of the white Christian nationalist impulses of the religious right, I should point out that I wholly agree with these writers about the dangers posed by the increased intersection of political power with religious dogma that characterizes much of contemporary white evangelical Christianity. However, I cannot embrace the assessment of…

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Rather Than Attack Amnesty For Labeling Israel an Apartheid State Critics Could Address the Actual Problems

…rate. Jews living in Israel have a right to live with self-determination, freedom, and security. But so does everyone else living there. Palestinians have an equal right to self-determination, freedom, and security, all of which are currently lacking for many of them—particularly security. Confusing advocacy for Palestinian rights and a truly democratic Israel with antisemitism perverts the accusation and undermines the legitimate fight against i…

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Secularism in the US is Larger, More Diverse and More Dynamic Than Ever, But You Wouldn’t Know it From the Media

…en at the forefront of diversifying the secular movement in practicing and promoting a broader, more intersectional approach to secular advocacy. The organization’s staff includes queer people, women, and African Americans in prominent roles. And, as it’s shifted away from Silverman’s “firebrand” approach to anti-religious messaging, American Atheists has begun to robustly and frequently make the case that anti-racist, feminist, and LGBTQ concerns…

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2022 American Values Survey Offers Some Good News — And Some Bad

…with the idea that the legacy of slavery makes upward mobility harder for African Americans. On issue after issue, White evangelicals skew to the Right. Sometimes, they’re followed closely by White mainline Protestants or White Catholics, but more often than not, they’re quite distinct from other religious groups. It’s hard to disagree with PRRI president Robert P. Jones when he says, “The survey shows a hardening rightward stance among Republica…

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A person holding a sign that says "If you're not angry then you're not listening."

Can Rage Fuel the Struggle for Justice? A Roundtable

…ence at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Alex is the author of six books, African American Political Thought and American Culture: The Nation’s Struggle for Racial Justice (New York: Palgrave, 2015), Struggle on their Minds: The Political Thought of African American Resistance (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017), Antiracism: An Introduction (NYU Press, 2019), Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism (Col…

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Pop-Culture Angels Are More Than Just Embarrassing Kitsch

…ravels across the United States in search of the God who abandoned Heaven. Central to the story is the Saint of Killers, a manifestation of the Angel of Death who works as a bounty hunter, combining elements of both noir and the Western.   An angel gets its wings No account of twentieth-century pop culture angels could ignore bumbling, simple-minded, lovable Clarence Odbody, the guardian angel to small-town banker George Bailey in Frank Capra’s 19…

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The Forgotten History Behind Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Terrorism

…l War, that gave American readers some of their first accurate accounts of African cultures. North Carolinian Omar ibn Said penned the first extant Arabic-language memoir of American literature in 1831, a document recently digitized by the Library of Congress. These three writers were among the tens of thousands of enslaved African-born Muslim men and women who literally helped to build the United States from 1776 to 1865, when legal slavery was f…

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“I’d Be Stupid Not To Go Packing Now.”

…omeys and shoot the hell out of us,” Adam Williams told me. Williams is an African American trans male who has been the victim of both gay-bashing and racial violence. Feeling more vulnerable than ever in his life with this recent Supreme Court ruling Williams tell me he’s going to carrying a gun with him. “Ain’t nothing out here to protect you now. I don’t trust the cops ‘cause they beat the shit out of you with other officers watching,” Williams…

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Atheists of Color Transcend Opposition to Religion and White Atheist Privilege in Working for Social Justice

…color as privileged whites often do. As the wealth and income gap between African Americans and whites has increased, straining an already frayed social welfare safety net, people of color are seeking faith-based assistance in greater numbers. In many respects, Trumpian right wing religious attacks on the Johnson amendment, public education, abortion rights, reproductive justice and LGBTQI rights have re-energized secular activism. Yet Black secu…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…ich is elevating a new generation of self-appointed prophets and apostles, African-American and Latino religious leaders, Charismatic publishing giant Stephen Strang, and religious right leaders like Perkins, Harry Jackson, and Gary Bauer. The religious right political leadership’s keen interest in Engle was evident at The Call held on the National Mall in August. The day before the event, the public relations firm Shirley Bannister introduced Eng…

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