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Republican Lauren Boebert Jokes About AR-15s and Jesus — And Yes, She’s a ‘Real’ Christian

…s Boebert recently made to a church audience that have circulated in viral videos, prompting many Twitter users to insist that her views fall afoul of “true” Christian beliefs. In the first instance, Boebert told the church crowd at Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs that she prays Psalm 109:8 for President Joe Biden: “Let his days be few, and let another have his office.” Although at least one journalist claimed to be “shocked” by this b…

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“If Every Church Said, ‘We Will Take Over Our Community'”: The (Christian Right) Revolution Starts Small and Local

…tion.” The website states, furthermore, that the goal is, “To deliver the truth of God’s Kingdom and unite the Body of Christ with the world at large, [because] we believe we have a mandate to bring Godly change to our world, through the seven spheres of societal influence.” As noted above, to accomplish this, the Truth and Liberty Coalition has held several political training events this year at the small Charis Bible College (which urges student…

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With Release of Pentagon Report, UFO Narrative Belief System is Suddenly Supported by Military Witness Testimonies

…he notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” Podesta’s statement simultaneously disparages members of the government who know about UAPs, yet states that government officials “in the know” will inform Americans of the truth. His statement…

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Largely Overshadowed by the Election, ‘Red Pill, Blue Pill’ Transcends Standard Explanations of Conspiracy Culture Which is ‘Killing Us All’

…is a perceived loss of social status. Conspiracy theories are essentially stories “about power: who has it, and who doesn’t.” By constructing fantastical theories that supposedly explain why their believers are being deprived of social status, conspiracists tend to misidentify false targets “as both demonic and a source of pollution, people fit only for elimination.” It’s also well understood that social media has served to amplify the worst of t…

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The ‘Health Freedom Movement’ Enters the Covid Era by Disseminating Medical Disinformation 

…nvoked in diverse controversies including access to abortion, life-ending drugs, unapproved cancer treatments, and medical marijuana. The crux of the issue for many years has been access to treatments beyond government-regulated and approved medicines. Advocates worked to get vitamins and supplements exempted from FDA regulations regarding safety and efficacy. Libertarian Party leader Ron Paul introduced the Health Freedom Act in Congress in 2005…

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‘Murder Among the Mormons’ Ep 1 Recap: A Trio of Bombs Launches SLC into a Panic

…n and discord. The episode’s closing juxtaposition between the soothing chorus of an LDS hymn and the absolute panic of worried newscasters, therefore, succinctly capture the period’s paradox. Wasn’t religion meant to bring stability? What happens when, instead, it sows terror? The next two episodes seek to answer that question, but instead of spanning out to see the wider society, they zoom in on the singular character of the killer behind the fo…

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When White Terrorism Goes Unpunished: Trump’s Acquittal and the Persistence of Anti-Blackness

…led with a willingness to utilize violence to secure white power and white rule. While many commentators have taken note of the Confederate flags and the nooses and the disgusting racist language used by the mob, too few have given sufficient attention to exactly whose votes Trump and his confederates didn’t want cast and didn’t want counted. Apologists for these 43 senators say it’s “just politics” and express relief that the Senate can now move…

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The True Meaning of ‘Law and Order’ Became Painfully Clear on January 6

…law and order in this country?” asked Richard Nixon in an article for U.S. News & World Report. Nixon ran ads for his presidential campaign that said, “I pledge to you, we shall have order in the United States.” Even the laws are different when it comes to protests in support of Black civil rights. In 1967, a state representative from California named Don Mulford proposed a bill to outlaw the open carrying of loaded firearms. He proposed this bill…

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The Religious Reason Many Americans Refuse to Wear Masks

…rs. It’s a way of proving their faith in the President, his power, and his worldview. In rural Michigan, where I live, the local Chamber of Commerce proudly posts photographs of businesses where no one is wearing masks. There are rumors of a “Maskless Monday” protest coming up at my son’s high school. A statewide mandate to wear masks in public places has been reason enough for angry citizens and self-appointed, armed militias to show up maskless…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…tigation strategies of Federalist Society attorneys, the substantive jurisprudence of Federalist Society judges, and the political goals of the legal conservative movement itself. If the original meaning of the text of the Constitution frames and structures the law for Federalist Society members, natural law is the pre-political moral order that lies beneath the floorboards. With its moral anthropology of a divinely ordered “human nature” and its…

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