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Hopping on the Meditation Brandwagon: “Heartfulness” Makes Landfall in Los Angeles

…e of a good inner life that must be experienced to be appreciated.” USC, a world-renowned research university, seems to be an odd choice for the Heartfulness organization to make its West Coast landfall. But as Varun Soni reminded the audience, citing recent Pew statistics, young people are increasingly looking outside of organized religion for spiritual meaning. And it appears the on-campus conference dedicated to the Heartfulness brand of medita…

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A Tale of Religious Tolerance… On Reddit

…al and anyone else who might have taken offense to his posting. Reddit in search of mindless memes beware: between the cat videos and bizarre news stories you might just find some religious tolerance….

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…tanding tradition of household religion. The clergy and laity alike have struggled with stay-at-home rules, which many argue violate religious liberty. New York’s Hasidic Jewish community continued to hold weddings, funerals, and even a Purim carnival after other Jews had suspended these activities, because orders to stop seemed reminiscent of antisemitism and persecution. Just this week, the Hasidic community cried foul when New York City Mayor B…

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Biden’s New ‘Restore the Soul of a Nation’ Ad Aimed at Black Voters Wary of the Frontrunner’s Dodgy History

…ng, to say the least. If our “soul” were fully intact, would we even have Trump running things right now? The new ad is clearly intended to shut down any actual reflection on this point and to associate voting for Biden with making your worries go away. Replace a scary old white man with a (more) benign one. What could be simpler? 2. Treating Trump and Trumpism under the “aberration” category is dangerously misleading (also something else that man…

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The ‘White Lie’ Connecting Trump’s Pardon of Arsonists, Immigration Fiasco, and Charlottesville

…of course, but anthropologist Clifford Geertz claimed that in ritual “the world as lived and the world as imagined … turn out to be the same world.” Roy Rappaport once wrote that he considered ritual “to be the basic social act.” From this vantage, Trump’s full pardons of the Hammonds can be seen as a ritualized exoneration and strategic re-affirmation of the toxic white social imagination at play in all of the these areas, which re-entrenches th…

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The Ex-KKK Priest and the Subtle Terrorism of the Anti-Abortion Movement

…pse on the altar in Priests for Life’s chapel as part of two Facebook live videos urging people to vote for Donald Trump on Election Day.” The parish is deeply embedded in the anti-abortion movement. The current head of the largely Catholic March for Life is a member of the parish. Last year St. Leo the Great provided training to area high school and college students who protested at an abortion clinic in nearby Falls Church, presumably advising t…

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From Christian Temperance to D.A.R.E. — The War on Drugs Has its Roots in White Christian Nationalism

…ver encountered it as a child. As president, Nixon amplified existing antidrug structures and reshaped national narratives, therefore it seems highly likely that he himself was influenced by Hobson’s work. There’s more: 1920s–1930s Los Angeles was also home to Daryl Gates, perhaps best remembered for his role as police chief during the 1992 unrest over police violence against Rodney King. Gates was born in Los Angeles in 1926 and would have grown…

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The Clenched Fist of Truthiness: Why Religion Won’t Fix This

…ed. Here’s where it gets really dark. Faith can’t bridge the chasm between worldviews in part because those worldviews often see competing moral visions as fundamentally illegitimate. At the same time, we depend on shared values to confer legitimacy on our political leaders. The Founding Fathers were explicit in calling for their politicians to set aside “faction” in favor of the American project. But the singularity of that project was always bul…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…te the fact that policing has not gotten more dangerous over time, graphic videos of officers being brutally beaten and killed were shown in nearly every class I attended, bringing these warnings to life for these officers in training. An important part of adopting a warrior approach was learning how to identify their enemy, a process that was decidedly racialized. Although instructors never outright encouraged cadets to profile Black and Latino c…

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Trump’s “Muslim Ban” A Gift to Terrorists

…l state, with an America that has given proof to their propaganda. Donald Trump’s words have already been featured in ISIS recruitment videos and this executive order will give terrorists exactly what they want. Donald Trump’s executive order is not an act of strength, but of supreme cowardice. It’s also an act of brazen avarice (or, I suppose, extreme coincidence) since, according to, it “doesn’t include Muslim-majority countries wh…

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