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Dialogue or Demonization? Where Gays are Concerned, Focus on the Family Wants it Both Ways

…ity are brought up and celebrated in their public school.” In 2009, Exodus International, the world’s largest “ex-gay ministry,” took over sponsorship of the Day of Truth. But curiously the event became too divisive and confrontational for Exodus, as that group shifted its focus to the practice of “biblical tolerance” in the wake of increased media attention to anti-gay bullying after a string of highly publicized gay teen suicides late last year….

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Pastafarian Rights, Israeli Rosa Parks, Orthodox
Jewish P.I.

…o be mistaken for terrorists and attacked. The New York Times profiles the International House of Prayer and its recent growth into a full blown religious movement. The leader of IHOP, Mike Bickle, claims that Oprah is the Antichrist. IHOP is one of the sponsors for “Prayin’” Rick Perry’s day of prayer in Texas. An atheist group in Texas is suing Governor Perry for his involvement with the prayer event. An Austrian man convinced authorities to let…

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Pro-Life Org Sued for Sexual Abuse During Exorcism

…ounts of murder based on accusations that he killed babies delivered alive. Not that it’s worthwhile to compare the men’s actions—for how does one tally up and weigh reports which, if true, reveal such deep cruelty?—but rather the reactions. When is an ethical position undermined by abominable behavior of those who espouse it?…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…ans to protect themselves and their partners with condoms. This must hold true for those living in some of the world’s most remote regions or in impoverished areas, or where Catholic health facilities are the only option.  South African Bishop Kevin Dowling, whose diocese has been devastated by AIDS deaths, has spoken out many times in favor of condoms, because “the issue is to protect life.” Portuguese bishop Januario Torgal Ferreira, was quoted…

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Twitter Lovefest Blooms Among Anti-Gay Leaders in Uganda, U.S.

…s access to the media: he tweeted on April 7 that he’s starting a daily TV news talk show. Barber, who like Ssempa portrays gay people as threats to children, religious freedom, and civilization itself, is engaging in a Twitter love-fest with Ssempa. On April 6, Ssempa tweeted, “Homos are paid to spread the vice by hiding it under human rights gibberish! They are $$ by rich European sodomy groups!” Ssempa and his allies love to portray the gay-rig…

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Scott Lively’s Crimes Against Humanity Aren’t Conservative Christian Outliers

…ze, intimidate, and injure LGBTI people in Uganda constitute violations of international law. They do.” The case may have been complicated but what it exposes about the American religious right is not. Crucially, this narrow victory is already being claimed as a powerful turning point in the “culture wars” by the likes of Liberty Counsel, which represented Lively. As a refresher, Liberty Counsel is the far-right legal nonprofit founded by Mat Stav…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…December 1 election in which he was defeated by his opponent. Now, a state-run newspaper is charging that “the LGBT lobby” is “allied with the Oil and Gas Lobby in an endeavor to understake a Regime Change Coup in the Gambia.” The inauguration of Adama Barrow, certified as the election winner by the country’s Independent Electoral Commission, is scheduled for January 19. As the Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reminds us, “Jammeh in 2015 said he…

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NOM’s Brian Brown Went to Russia to Push Anti-Gay Laws

…by people who live in countries that support LGBT equality.  According to Russian news reports, the French activists and Brown attended two events in Moscow. One was a joint meeting on changes in international adoption laws with the Duma’s committee on foreign affairs and its committee on family, women and children – whose chair, Yelena Mizulina, authored the ban on gay “propaganda” and the adoption bill. The other event was a roundtable discussi…

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Florida Governor Signs Law Defending Educators’ Right to Witness

…ting that the battle has been a polarizing force in the community, a judge ruled in February that CEAI did not have standing and did not demonstrate that the consent decree would have a “chilling affect” on its members’ religious observances. In a news release, Liberty Counsel, Liberty University’s legal arm, said in light of the new law it will now file a motion requesting the court overturn the consent decree. Basically the law says that, unless…

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Would We Have No Commitment to Equality Without Christianity?

…t rose to prominence in English only in the postwar era) and recognized in international law. Accordingly, there are “two stories to be told about the recognition of human rights,” Wolterstorff notes. One is the story of the introduction and employment of the concept of rights and the inclusion of what we would now call “human rights” among the rights identified. The other is the story of the singling out of that special subset of rights that we n…

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