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Religion and Drag Coexist in ‘Drag Race’ Spinoff—but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Queer

…ness, focusing on his drag career, and reconciling with his biological family also fit squarely within the show’s homonormative, neoliberal message. When Justin goes on a date in search of his “prince charming,” Alyssa Edwards narrates the scene. Once it’s clear there is no chemistry, she informs viewers that “Christian Mingle has been rebooted. I ain’t one of those that is on Grindr. I ain’t judging…I am a lady of class and stature. Elegance.” De…

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With James Cone’s Death Comes the Death of Black Theology

…rhaps the form) of systematic theology. There is nothing wrong intellectually with this approach—particularly to the extent it has opened theological inquiry to a wider range of social issues, resources, and progressive frameworks and strategies. It has offered theologians opportunity to be involved in conversations extending beyond their particular home departments, beyond churches, and into larger intellectual discourses and modes of community….

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‘Hey Jesus, Do You Love Me the Same?’: Out Christian Rock Star Trey Pearson on Closeted Industry Figures, His Evolving Faith, and Brand New Video

…s wrong with us. Everything about the video for “Hey Jesus” is so beautifully and powerfully done. I’ve watched it several times now, and I still can’t help crying pretty much from beginning to end. Can you tell us a little about the thinking and the process that went into it? Who directed it, how did you choose the cast, and so forth? What audience, or audiences, do you hope to reach with this? And what message do you want them to take away? Than…

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Election Survey: White Evangelicals Remain Cultural Outliers on Race, Trump, Immigration

…customs and values.” White mainline Protestants and white Catholics fare only a tiny bit better, split nearly down the middle at 48 percent and 47 percent, respectively. On the other hand, 63 percent of Hispanic and 67 percent of Black Protestants say that immigrants have a positive effect on U.S. society, as do roughly three-quarters of Hispanic Catholics (76 percent) and nones (73 percent). To return to police killings of Black men: As stated ab…

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Vatican’s ‘Dumbed Down Version of an Old Argument’ on Gender Can’t Stop Changes in Catholicism

…luid, varied sex/gender as the human norm. Eeeeeks—what to do about male-only priests, mom and dad-only families, and laws that result from Catholic influence on private matters? That swishing sound is a Roman Catholic house of cards falling in on itself. Left standing are all queer Catholics and allies who will struggle as hard for trans and intersex rights as we have for LGB ones. The three suggestions the Education folks use in the document to…

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Compare the Midterms to Presidential Elections and an Interesting Story Emerges

…s shriveling up? Probably not. As Pew says, because these numbers are roughly in line with other elections, it most likely means evangelicals are reverting to mean. Trump’s yuge win with them in 2016 may turn out to have been not much more than a blip on the screen. At the same time, even though evangelical support for Republicans declined somewhat between 2014 and 2018, in terms of raw numbers, many more evangelicals voted this year. That might e…

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Thanksgiving Reveals More About Us Than About 17th Century Events

…legance. It is a day devoted to quiet pleasure, good food, good drink, family and friends. It is decidedly uncommercial, and refreshingly low-key. *** The Other Puritan Dinner Party For all of the hagiographical dimensions to the Thanksgiving story, the Pollyannaish story about black-clad religious freedom seekers, there is another, opposite tendency that reduces them to prigs and scolds. In such a view the Puritans are erased of their complexity,…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…s indisputable. Graham has paved the way for evangelicals to operate not only comfortably in the political world, but as lobbyists for theocratic policies and moral issues. Today, evangelicals find themselves on a regular basis in the Trump White House, laying hands on the President, staying at Trump Hotels, and acting as a de-facto approval committee for the Trump administration, no matter how antithetical to the gospel. This proximity to power w…

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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…conservative evangelicals who cultivate a more respectable image are not only genuinely less theocratically oriented, but also more representative. Both assumptions are highly dubious. The fact remains that the vast majority of white evangelicals support Trump because he validates their fears and vigorously pursues their agenda. The paradox has been noted before—Trump supporters see the president as a controversial truth-teller, as “telling it lik…

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A Short Primer on Married Priests in the Wake of Francis’ Denial of the Amazon Synod

…nt’s twenty-seven books are traditionally attributed to him, though he likely only wrote seven himself (the other seven are likely the products of his students). The “hellenized” son of a Jewish mother and Roman father, Paul (born “Saul”) lived at the crossroads of the great cultural forces of his day. Devout and pious, by his own account he was transformed from a zealous persecutor of Christians to the architect of much of Christianity as it tran…

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