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For Unto (Some of) Us a Child is Born: Handel’s Messiah and the Voice of Empire Rising

…istian triumphalism. But attention should be paid to the theology, especially to the question of who exactly is the “us” in in Part 1, No. 12: “For unto us a child is born.” In historical context the answer is clear: the “us” in this chorus refers to the lords and ladies of Protestant England and England’s far-flung colonies and possessions, most notably its stupendous-wealth-generating sugar islands (Barbados and Jamaica, primarily) and its thriv…

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New LDS Handbook Cements Anti-Trans Policy—And it Doesn’t Make a Whole Lot of Sense

…as Joan Roughgarden put it, attempts to impose a gender binary will seem arbitrarily authoritarian. The LDS Church leadership has made their rejection of trans folk more explicit than before, but what remains implicit is the fact that they’re doing this to maintain the patriarchy and that there’s an inherent lacuna in their understanding of actual biology. The fate of intersex, trans, queer, and cis women members hang together in Mormonism. It’s i…

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Raw Power Is Just What The Religious Left Needs

…table for those who want to stay on the moral high ground. It’s also probably absolutely necessary to save American democracy. The religious left could play a significant role in the years to come, if it’s willing to give up its over-reliance on performative displays of faith, messaging, and moralizing protests. I’ve suggested before that it could do worse than to emulate the Indivisible movement, and that still seems like good advice. If the rece…

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The Evangelical Pluralism Problem and its Media Enablers

…heresy,” I cannot think of another case in which an evangelical has so openly and honestly stated that evangelicals don’t deal well with pluralism. For that reason, I asked Fea if he would be so kind as to further unpack and clarify his observation, and he graciously agreed. His comments to RD were every bit as admirably candid as those he made to DeVega: Many conservative evangelicals continue to think about American identity through a lens of Ch…

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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…a section on LGBT-related media guidelines and censorship, which “effectively prohibits any positive depiction of LGBT individuals that could counter the prevailing negative attitudes in Singapore toward them.” An excerpt: The Media Development Authority effectively prohibits all positive depictions of LGBT lives. The MDA Free to Air Television Program Code states that “music associated with drugs, alternative lifestyles (e.g. homosexuality) or th…

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‘Empty the Pews’ Chronicles the ‘Nurtured Insanity’ of a Fundamentalist Upbringing

…n evangelical upbringing seems like an odd and bad dream. Throughout my early childhood, we Schaeffers were busy littering train seats, café tables, and assorted telephone booths all over Europe with luridly illustrated little pamphlets “in the local language, in case someone is led to read it,” as Dad said. They had titles such as “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” and “Is There a Heaven and Hell?” and “Where Will I Spend Eternity?” Sometimes, as our…

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Citing ‘Matthew 25’ Isn’t a Viable Democratic Faith Outreach Strategy

…arter icons and reciting Matthew 25 a few times. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this bit of scripture, of course. As Eric Sapp says in the article, it’s a compact way of expressing a particular perspective. Many religious liberals believe that their faith leads them to be more compassionate, and this is a convenient way to say that. But we should note that it is a way of talking about faith, not faith itself, and a fairly stylized way of…

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The Tragedy of Religious Freedom

…t not identical logic in some of the controversies on which I have previously reported, especially those of the baker who wouldn’t create a custom cake for a gay wedding and the foster care agency that refused to place children with a lesbian couple. The challenge today is how to distinguish between, on the one hand, attempts to license discrimination that come cloaked in the language of religious freedom and, on the other hand, genuine disagreeme…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…del bill, The “Preserving Religious Freedom in School Act,” which essentially seeks to fully enforce a guidance regarding school prayer issued in 2003 by the federal Department of Education. The manual explains that “Federal law requires certification of compliance with Department of Education guidance assuring the religious freedom of students and staff in the public schools. The act provides assurance that the federal funding conditioned upon th…

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The Broken Promise of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘The Goop Lab’

…ntial first step toward actual liberation. A first step TGL on its own, sadly, is unlikely to inspire. The new ‘New Age’ The roots of Goop lie in utopian dreams of other ways of being; the same set of impulses that drove the idea of universal human rights, jobs for all, communes, racially-integrated worlds, and both spiritual and this-worldly democracy. During the 60s and 70s, the intertwined movements for Black power, gay liberation and women’s l…

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