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I Don’t Think ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Means What You Think it Means: A Counterargument

…prayers” don’t lead to action, nor that generally they’re offered insincerely or cynically. Sometimes they are, to be sure, but for the most part they seem to be given with great sincerity and emptiness. And there’s the rub. Thoughts that don’t lead to new things aren’t very deep thoughts. Prayers that don’t change those who worship aren’t really prayers. Giving thought to the problems of gun control, police killing, sexual violence, is worthless…

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Electability of Biden is More ‘Conventional’—and Less ‘Wisdom’

…has all of Clinton’s weaknesses and more. Unlike Clinton, Biden wasn’t simply a bit player in creating the US system of mass incarceration that has brutalized Black and brown communities. He was one of its leading architects, claiming the very 1994 crime bill that was hung around Clinton’s neck four years ago as one of his greatest achievements, and authoring the bill that created the infamous 100-to-1 crack-to-cocaine sentencing disparity. Just a…

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Yes, Virginia: There IS a War on Christmas: Its Revolutionary Meaning is Inverted in the Winner-Take-All Era

…meone just say “OK, boomer”?). I am also acutely troubled by something deeply, horribly wrong about any seasonal celebration. This wrongness has nothing to do with Impeachable Him. It has nothing to do with commercialization, and/or secularization, in relation to December 25. This is not that kind of rant. I am troubled instead by the way in which the greatest beneficiaries of a season that is supposed to be all about exalting valleys and leveling…

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Billy Graham Was More Like White America’s Surrogate Savior Than “America’s Pastor”

OK, I completely understand why the Graham family and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association would cotton to the mainstream media tag, “America’s Pastor.” No doubt they’re thrilled that his body will lie in state at the Capitol next week, the first decedent to be so honored since Rosa Parks. To give Graham his due, he was always clear that anything funny about the money would taint his operation, beginning with the so-called Modesto Manifesto…

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The Top 10 (Non-Religious) Religious Films of 2017

…(Saoirse Ronan) attends Catholic school. Sacramento is a sacrament, a homely-but-holy land that is contested and loved at the same time. Eventually arriving in New York City, untethered to home, Lady Bird takes to some brief experimenting, chatting up a boy with the question “Do you believe in God?” And as she stumbles out of the hospital one morning, she finds solace in a church. Part of the brilliance of the film is that we don’t see her inward…

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Mormon Group Digging for Scriptural City of Zarahemla in Iowa is a Portrait of Religious Nationalism

…e United States of America. In contrast, Mormon Studies scholars increasingly demonstrated that when early Church leaders spoke of “this land” or “this country” or “America,” they did not mean the United States of America, but rather the Western continent. Proponents of the Heartland model, on the other hand, who believe that early Church leaders saw the United States as the promised land, designate American nationalism as their interpretative len…

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Changes in Role of Mormon Women Can’t Be Discussed—But Let’s Discuss Them Anyway

…ecially since the temple is supposed to be one of the places where it’s easiest to hear the Holy Ghost. It’s gaslighting, moral cowardice, and yet another betrayal to deny women’s anger and pain, to tell them they have no right to ask the church to be less misogynist because the church can’t possibly be misogynist—only to go and make some of the changes women have sought while still explicitly denying that women ever had any sort of legitimate com…

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Why Kim Davis Has Missed Her Moment

…an right bent on claiming its religious freedom is under siege, she is really a symbol of something else entirely. The Republican Party, and even its most reliable base of support, the Christian right, is being forced to move on when it comes to the marriage issue. According to a 2014 Pew survey, 58 percent of Republican millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) favor gay marriage. A Public Religion Research Institute survey conducted last ye…

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As Pat Robertson Retires, Here Are 10 of His Most Cringeworthy Moments

…Robertson founded an evangelical university, ran for president, and allegedly used an ostensibly humanitarian aid mission as a front for a corrupt, for-profit diamond mining operation in Zaire under the brutal dictatorial rule of Mobutu Sese Seko, who came to power in 1965, with the help of the CIA. (For more information, check out my 2018 article on the subject in Playboy, or watch the 2013 documentary “Mission Congo.”) Along the way, he’s develo…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

…advocates, it sounds pretty good. Like I said, the rhetoric was less overtly hostile and marginally more inclusive than his usual fare—a low bar, to be sure—and parts of it could almost pass for expressions of actual empathy. These broad statements that hinted towards inclusion may seem notable, but there’s little reason to believe there’s anything of substance behind them. And there’s ample reason to believe that Oaks merely gave us the illusion…

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