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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…rporations have largely shown that they don’t. A celebrity pope can garner headlines, but will we also lose headlines about a priest denying communion to a gay couple, an archbishop demanding teachers sign a morality clause, or even the efforts to support immigrants? These stories are the ones that affect people every day, far beyond the reaches of the Vatican walls. Some of us will keep trying to tell these kinds of stories. But with fewer secula…

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The ‘Dreher Affair’ Highlights the Right’s International Networks

…g Freedom has set up shop outside the US as well, dubbing its coordinating international body Alliance Defending Freedom International. The Polish Ordo Iuris, a right-wing catholic organization which leads a crusade against abortion, is likewise well connected on an international level with German pundit Birgit Kelle, a regular on the anti-abortion circuit, having recently spoken at one of their events. Meanwhile, the Mathias Corvinus Collegium—he…

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Competing Visions of Family & Freedom at UN; Methodists Try to Avoid Schism on Sexuality; Catholic Cardinal Denounces LGBT ‘Demonic Ideology’; Global LGBT Recap

…honored was openly gay Crown Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, who founded and runs the Lakshya Trust, which tackles HIV and other issues. He says the Supreme Court ruling that re-criminalized homosexuality has led to Trust workers being arrested for distributing condoms, threatened with blackmail, and even sexually assaulted by police. From Michael Lambert at Out: When comparing their countries to the U.S., both activists said that recent breakthroug…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…or before we ever tolerate gay people working here.” In other parts of the world, World Vision employs thousands of non-Christians. Earlier this month, World Vision’s national director in Uganda, Gilbert Kamanga, said the organization “opposes any law that fails to meet human rights standards and results in stigmatization or discrimination of any group or class of people.” “Sexual orientation of those we serve or those with whom we collaborate wit…

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Vatican Enlists Allies Against Gay Marriage; Iranian Gays Pushed to Change Gender; And More in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…eh, Regional Program Coordinator for Middle East and North Africa spoke to BBC Newshour on Sunday about human rights violations in Iran. From Alizadeh’s comments: Last year the head of the Iran Human Rights Body who is the brother of the head of Iran’s judiciary Mohammad Javad Larijani had a speech in Geneva in which he publicly said that the right to life is not applicable to homosexuals. On Friday, he had a speech in Geneva again, during the uni…

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Top Ten Religion & Science Stories of 2009

…stians deny evolution, many of them also deny climate change. Matt Frei of BBC World News America provides an interesting assessment of the division among evangelical Christians in a December 10 article: The evangelical movement is split between those conservative Christians who suspect that climate change is an evil secular plot, concocted by the devil, Al Gore and “the global government crowd”—in the words of Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabac…

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No, CNN, Saudi Arabia and Iran Have Not Been Fighting For “1,000 Years”

…Middle East and Muslim politics, or that their involvement of America and Russia, respectively, in their clash of religious authoritarianisms, might contain the ingredients for the next World War. Certainly all of us should be paying close attention. But there’s no reason to become hyperbolic. This feud has lasted 38 years now, which is significantly less than 1,000 years. For one thing, the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ruled, as its name shou…

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International “Religious Freedom” Agenda Will Only Embolden ISIS

…mas of global collective life lie neither in the relentless pursuit of the international religious freedom agenda nor in ISIS’s oppositional fantasy world. Despite the rhetoric in Oslo, and the momentum of the new religion agenda in Brussels, Washington, and Ottawa, the last thing the people of the Middle East need is a religious freedom charter that will serve only to embolden ISIS among its followers. If a solution exists, it lies beyond religio…

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Scottish Episcopal Church Angers Conservative Anglicans With Embrace of Same-Sex Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…to the House of Commons, where they make up 7 percent of seats, which Pink News says is the world’s highest. Nineteen are Conservatives. May is drawing criticism for making an alliance with the Democratic Union Party, which has used controversial tactics to prevent marriage equality from being voted on in Northern Ireland. From the Independent: Ms May will need the Northern Irish party’s 10 MPs to help her pass key legislation after the Conservati…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…s created a series of cartoon history lessons for America’s children. In a news release announcing his new company Learn Our History, Huckabee says, “America’s youth aren’t excited about our past because they’re being taught history in a way that minimizes what has made America a beacon of hope around the world for over 200 years. Instead, history lessons today often focus on America’s faults. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of givi…

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