Religion Dispatches: your independent, non-profit, award-winning source for the best writing on critical and timely issues at the intersection of religion, politics and culture.
What does it mean to cover “religion” as a subject versus preaching, practicing, or promoting it? Is “religion” an historical construction, a Western invention? Is belief critical to religion, or is religion something people do? Is religion a vestige of pre-modernity? Is secularity really religion’s opposite? What about the supernatural?
These are just a few of the questions that inspire RD’s coverage of religion, and its ongoing deep-dive into the role of religion in society.
Our editorial aim is to create a new way of thinking about religion in American culture and politics, one that challenges last century’s media dominance by an ultra-conservative fringe, that invites free discussion of religious ideas once they’ve hit the public square—and that keeps us and our readership powerfully engaged.
– The Eds
Editor Emerita: LISA WEBSTER
Executive Editor: EVAN DERKACZ
Senior Editor, The Ashes Initiative: MEGAN GOODWIN